"The debate is over!"
This topic keeps coming up again and again so, I figured I would make a post about it. There are people who are dead set against anyone that questions these theories. If you dissent from the belief, you are: an idiot, not scientific, a heretic, similar to those that believed in a flat earth, or one of those morons that believes we were created by G-d.
According to "scientist" Maher, skeptics shouldn't even be considered as having an equal opinion.
Here's the problem and why there are skeptics and why I'm a skeptic.
1) You cannot put climate in a lab and test for reproducible results. There's no way to take the climate, put it in a laboratory setting, introduce CO2, pollution, water, other gases, etc. and test to see the effects. There is no lab. It's all of the climate and you cannot isolate any of the various factors.
2) Precision. We measure temperature with a much greater precision then we did years ago. So, while some may believe that the temp has increased a degree in Celsius, the truth is, that 1 degree could simply be a discrepancy.
3) When someone starts saying there's no debate, yet the scientists have admitted that they do not have a solid theory, you have to wonder just how scientific that is. Trying to compare this to people believing in a flat earth is ridiculous. We actually had people travel around the world to show that it was a round planet. We can see the horizon with our own eyes. We can find the Earth's circumference by measuring a shadow. There is a practical and logical reasoning associated with this type of understanding.
With global warming/climate change, the observations are not so clear. We do not have a practical mathematical formula to apply. Of course we observe the climate changing. It always has changed but, to suggest we know for certain the cause, that makes it much more complicated.
Well, I found this awesome documentary and, they point out that a lot of this is mostly about stopping third world countries from developing. The reason there is more damage these days is not because of the intensity of the storms, but we simply have more possessions that are damaged or destroyed. It figures that racism would be behind this, whenever liberals are involved.
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