Now, I don't know who this Jared Lee Loughner is but, so far, it appears as though he is a lefty, who I doubt has ever heard talk radio, let alone watch something like Fox News.
This article was brought to my attention by a friend of mine on Facebook, written by Paul Krugman (of course).
Just read the condescending attitude that comes off of this man's words, as if liberals would never engage in inflammatory rhetoric.
The point is that there’s room in a democracy for people who ridicule and denounce those who disagree with them; there isn’t any place for eliminationist rhetoric, for suggestions that those on the other side of a debate must be removed from that debate by whatever means necessary.
And it’s the saturation of our political discourse — and especially our airwaves — with eliminationist rhetoric that lies behind the rising tide of violence.
Where’s that toxic rhetoric coming from? Let’s not make a false pretense of balance: it’s coming, overwhelmingly, from the right. It’s hard to imagine a Democratic member of Congress urging constituents to be “armed and dangerous” without being ostracized; but Representative Michele Bachmann, who did just that, is a rising star in the G.O.P.
And there’s a huge contrast in the media. Listen to Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann, and you’ll hear a lot of caustic remarks and mockery aimed at Republicans. But you won’t hear jokes about shooting government officials or beheading a journalist at The Washington Post. Listen to Glenn Beck or Bill O’Reilly, and you will.
Of course, the likes of Mr. Beck and Mr. O’Reilly are responding to popular demand. Citizens of other democracies may marvel at the American psyche, at the way efforts by mildly liberal presidents to expand health coverage are met with cries of tyranny and talk of armed resistance. Still, that’s what happens whenever a Democrat occupies the White House, and there’s a market for anyone willing to stoke that anger.
But even if hate is what many want to hear, that doesn’t excuse those who pander to that desire. They should be shunned by all decent people.Eliminationist rhetoric? Excuse me? Has this guy even listened to talk radio? I've been listening to talk radio for well over 10 years now and, I have NEVER once heard any talk show host ever encourage anyone to go out and shoot people. Oh, wait. I did here Randi Rhodes on Airhead America make a big joke about shooting then president of the United States, George W. Bush.
Unfortunately, that hasn’t been happening: the purveyors of hate have been treated with respect, even deference, by the G.O.P. establishment. As David Frum, the former Bush speechwriter, has put it, “Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we’re discovering we work for Fox.”
Do talk radio show hosts make silly jokes? You be they do but, only a moron without a sense of humor would not know the difference but, not even in their jokes have I heard a call for violence. I do hear that stuff on the left. You bet I do. Go anywhere around the internet and you will find crazy lefties in almost ALL areas. Go to the Democrat Underground and you will constantly see people spilling their hatred of the right.
Krugman is a typical sanctimonious lefty, that loves to point to the right, without first looking in the mirror. He probably does the most vile things when he gets home at night but, is the first to complain about someone calling his precious Pelosi a naughty name.
I do not want to jump to any conclusions about who this Jared is or what his motivations were. You can see that on the very first post I made about the issue. Not only that but, I didn't even report about it right away because, I was waiting to see what else developed, what other information would become available. It doesn't matter if the guy identified himself as a lefty or, someone on the right, or a Tea Party guy. He was a lunatic. No NORMAL person does what he did. Period. I don't know any average democrats or Republicans that would act in such a disgusting manner.
As far as rhetoric, it comes from both sides and it's where you look. If Krugman wants to say it's from right wing talk radio however, I am calling BS! If you want to make accusations, that's perfectly fine but, he should do some more research and, find REAL sources to complain about, not make stuff up as he goes along.
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