George Soros, the rich, liberal/socialist snob is back in the spotlight. It is now being reported that despite the election, Soros is making suggestions to Obama on how he can dodge the American people, and force changes in a variety of areas.
Click title of this post for full story.
[The] Center for American Progress today is releasing a report, “Power of the President,” proposing 30 executive actions the president can take to advance progressive change in the areas of energy, the economy, health care, education, foreign policy, and national security. “The following authorities can be used to ensure progress on key issues facing the country today: Executive orders, Rulemaking, Agency management, Convening and creating public-private partnerships , Commanding the armed forces, Diplomacy.
The question now is, will Obama take the advise of George Soros? It is fair to think that he would since Soros has so much money invested in so many areas that help the democrats. However, you could argue that Obama might be smart enough to know that he will have to run to the center these last two years, if he expects to have any chance of being in the White House another four.
On the other hand, the Republicans have yet to push forward a promising candidate. So far, it looks like the same faces we saw from 2008 will be recycled for 2012. That is not promising for the Republicans. Obama could easily become cocky and do exactly as Soros advises, knowing that he can beat whoever the Republicans put up to run against him.
I find it absolutely disturbing that people like Soros are so bold in their ideologies that they have no shame to even make these types of suggestions. These suggestions clearly go against what the people have voted this last November.
Lots of questions and more importantly, lots of strategies to consider. What do you think Obama will do these last two years? Is he really a lame duck president at this point? I want to say yes but, I don't want to get too ahead of myself here. It is important for the Republicans to put forth a candidate we can be FOR, and not just someone that we vote for because we are voting AGAINST Obama. That never works, ever.
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