I couldn't ignore the stories that are at the top of Google trends. I swear these stories are taking up all of the news. The horoscope signs have changed for many people. Apparently, the astrologers have restored the 13th zodiac sign, which makes sense, since 13 is a very important number and always has been throughout man's history here on earth. It is said to have been hidden or covered by people who wanted to keep its powers and secrets a mystery. Don't believe me? Google "the number 13" and you'll get all sorts of information.
So, we have a new sign now called, Ophiuchus. It would be nice if I could pronounce it. Anyway, here are the new dates:
Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.
Pisces: March 11-April 18.
Aries: April 18-May 13.
Taurus: May 13-June 21.
Gemini: June 21-July 20.
Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.
Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
Ophiuchus:* Nov. 29-Dec. 17.
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.
Obviously, horoscopes are pretty much a bunch of BS but, I still enjoy them for entertainment.
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