That's the theme and topic of Time Magazine's issue for February. Don't get too excited, until you read the full article. It's mostly saying that Obama wants to model himself like Reagan. This mostly translates to him taking on some of the same characteristics that Reagan had, like being a great speaker, talking to the people, and being popular.
Well, that's my interpretation of this anyway. Of course Obama wants to be great like Reagan but, unlike Reagan, his administration has been less than admirable.
Obama is not the leader that Reagan was. Leaders around the world feared and respected Reagan. Obama is wimpy and there is nothing really to be respected. He didn't have much experience to begin with and, him being in the White House is more like a blind person trying to explore a cave.
To Obama's credit and anyone else that occupies the White House, we do live in a much different time. I remember when Reagan was in office. There were only 3 channels on tv so, when Reagan spoke, all the channels covered it and that's what we watched. We didn't have a bunch of biased reviews attacking us at every turn. There were no blogs, or online news, or RSS feeds that gave us a bunch of different opinions. You can literally live in this country and ignore politics all together.
There are some people that have NO idea what is going on from day to day. They watch some Jersey show on tv now. It's amazing. Of course they get out and vote for idiots like Obama but, they don't have clue as to who the man is and what he is doing to try and shape this nation.
Another obvious reason that Obama is nothing like Reagan is that Obama wants to get people to trust the government, whereas Reagan's message was to tell people the importance of limiting government, while at the same time restoring faith in leaders who had moral characters. Liberals in general are not ever considered "moral characters."
I know that the left-wing media and folks on the left typically will try to rewrite history. They want the Republicans history because, the democrats history sucks --one filled with racism, hatred, murder, abortions for fun, pushing government dependence, poor characters, high taxes, failed government programs, pacifism, and just an overall sad image. Who could blame them?
Some folks will see this cover, and get the wrong idea. I've already seen people on the left saying that Obama is like Reagan:
Surprisingly enough the one politician today who most resembles Reagan, policy wise, is Obama. Ouch.
I am NOT joking. This was a quote that I found from a guy who is a loony, left-wing nutcase. He knows so much that isn't TRUE. It is amazing how ignorant the folks on the left are.
This article says nothing about their policies being the same. It just says that Obama admired the way Reagan was as a leader but, the way it's advertised, the way the picture is set up, it appears misleading. This is why you will see democrats that will just look at the cover and not read the article, and just assume that Obama is just as great as Reagan was. What a joke.
Click the title of this post to read the full article for yourself.
What do you think? Can Obama model himself after a leader that is so opposite of him on policies? Can he be the Reagan of the left? Doesn't sound likely to me.
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