
RealClearPolitics - Video - Chris Matthews Cites Mark Levin Being Complicit In AZ Shooting

RealClearPolitics - Video - Chris Matthews Cites Mark Levin Being Complicit In AZ Shooting

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Is Chris Matthews serious? I guess he is. He points out Michael Savage and Mark Levin as people who display angry rhetoric. Oh, boy! I guess they caused the shootings in Arizona?

It never fails that the left does this crap and, they always get mud in their faces because, it's usually always a liberal loon that commits these violent acts. Yet, they never fail to try and point the finger at right-wing talk radio. Why is radio such a threat to these folks? It's clear they don't even listen to radio and if they do, they are clearly just catching snippets and creating these erroneous interpolations.

I'm the biggest Savage fan and I have heard him angry but, it's funny. It's a different kind of anger. You either get it or you don't. He just says the greatest stuff and, you laugh because, it's so unbelievably refreshing to hear someone else saying what you have wanted to say but, either couldn't say or, you just couldn't find the words to say it. He doesn't make anyone that loves his show angry; he makes them happy and feel comfortable.

These folks on the left have no sense of humor whatsoever. I might not like when SNL pokes fun at Republicans or conservatives but, I know when it's a joke. Hell, I might think it's a stupid joke but, I can I still tell when it's a joke. Keith Olbermann is one of the biggest hate-speech reporters on the left but, I also know that he is one big joke.

Some of these things liberals complain about concerning Glenn Beck are flat out JOKES. They are either too dumb to figure that out or, they are just humorless. So, they take what is clearly meant as a joke and twist it, telling people the story as if it were real. Yet, not one of these liberals have any issue with a man like Michael Moore making movies that he calls "documentaries" where he flat out LIES to people. Isn't that interesting?


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