
Liberals Keep Talking About the Selfish Rich

I cannot go anywhere on the internet these days without seeing comments for liberals/democrats/socialists, whatever they want to be called (good Lord they can't stop arguing semantics), about the greedy rich, the selfish rich, the scum at the top, etc. It's like a record skipping and they all repeat it as if it were true.
Socialism is being social.You pay more taxes and a honest goverment puts that money into social security,hospitals,schools, highways,public transport etc.
If you want to put youre trust in banks and companies who just want to make a profit be my guest .Youre either ignorant,stupid or egocentrical.Me,me,me.Everybod­y else can drop dead.I dont care.I have money.Thats what capitalism in its extremist form does.

I have to wonder how many rich people these folks have ever met in their lives. I have to wonder what they mean by rich. What do they actually consider rich?

If you have money, you're a Republican. 

I recently googled, "Is Donald Trump a Republican?" I had been wanting to know because a friend of mine is wanting him to run for president. I had always thought Donald was a democrat but, I wasn't sure. Well, I'm sure you know the site Yahoo! Answers. The response?

He is rich, therefore Republican.

So, what about all the rich democrats that are out there? Are they somehow different because they are democrats? I'm very confused. If you look at a city like NYC or San Francisco, you are dealing with very affluent people and, they are mostly liberals or democrats.

Are rich democrats not greedy? Why is it these folks make these generalizations?

Are there greedy people? Sure. Of course there are but, what is the obsession that liberals have with other people's money? Why do they feel like rich people do not pay enough? What amount do they expect people to pay? What percentage of person's income does one have to give up in order for these people to be satisfied?

I've actually heard people make the claim that there should be a cap on what a person can make. That there's no reason for someone to have more than say, $10 million.

It amazes me how people seek for limitations. I think this is one of the core problems with those who are liberal. It's always about limits and limitations. They do not see the world as an abundant force but, rather of limited means.

When you put limits upon others, you limit yourself. You are telling yourself that you are only allowed so much. You are not entitled to have much and you project that upon others.

I don't have to go into all the statistics that show conservatives are far more giving of their money. We all know this. They do these studies every single year and find the same results. Conservatives are also much more happier and, I find that rich folks love to help others in different ways as well. Especially rich people who are conservative. Sure they like to make profit but, they love to share their knowledge and their time with people who are willing to learn.

Look at how the left slanders the character of Dick Cheney.

The guy responsible for the death of half a million iraqi children

Absolute hogwash. They have repeated lie after lie, about him, calling him greedy and evil. All of it --absolute crap. All one has to do is a simple check and you will find that not only are all the character assassinations  against the man flat out lies, he is also a giving man.

Check out this article
In one of the largest sums ever donated to charity by a U.S. public official, Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife Lynne gave away nearly $7 million last year to help the poor and to medical research.

According to income tax information released by the White House on Friday, the Cheneys' adjusted gross income in 2005 was $8,819,006.

The sum was largely the result of Mr. Cheney's stock options from Halliburton and royalties from three books written by Mrs. Cheney.

The Cheneys gave more than three-quarters of their income - $6,869,655 - to several charities, including George Washington University's Cardiothoracic Institute and a charity for low-income high school students in the Washington, D.C. area, Capital Partners for Education.

The Cheneys' charitable generosity stands in marked contrast to that of their predecessors, whose sometimes stingy donations became a national embarrassment.

In 1997 for instance, Al and Tipper Gore contributed just $353 to charity, a sum that raised eyebrows even in friendly media circles.

The Los Angeles Times noted, for instance, that the Gores' slender donation "caused some bewilderment in philanthropic circles because of the vice president's 'good guy' image as an advocate for public service and social causes."

The same year the Gores gave $353 to charity, they reported $197,729 in adjusted gross income.
So, who's being greedy here? I wouldn't even say Gore and his wife are necessarily greedy. They have a right to do whatever they like with the money they've eared. It's their choice. I just don't understand why all rich are considered Republican and greedy.

I am not rich. I plan on being rich. I would never cap anyone's income or want to take from others. I feel that carrying those beliefs would be limiting on me. I do see the world as a source of abundance. I know that there is plenty of money and plenty to share. It's just a matter of finding a good and/or valuable service to offer others. If you want to make money, you have to give something of yourself.

I'm happy for people who are successful with money. I harbor no ill feelings for their success because, I want that for myself and for my child. It feels good to be happy for others. I do not care if others are greedy with their money. That is their choice and they will probably end up being miserable but, that's not my problem either. I find that people who have money enjoy giving!

The whole idea of whining about other people, criticizing what they do, coveting their money, making judgments about another person's value is disturbing. It's disgusting and frankly a projection of what liberals are in their very hearts--cold, greedy, selfish, and in some cases, just plain evil.

"The best thing you can do for the poor is not be one of them."~Reverend Dr. Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter II, aka Reverend Ike


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