
The Arizona Shootings

I am trying my best to filter all the information that is out there. I wanted to report on this earlier but, as you know, whenever something like this happens, it seems like different information is being passed on through a variety of sources. Everyone wants to get the full story but, how can you, when everyone seems to have a different story?

AFP/Getty Images/John Moore

I happened to be relaxing over the weekend when I heard the news about someone shooting a senator in AZ. Of course, this information was relayed to me from my dad, so I figured he got the story wrong somehow. He did. She is a congresswoman from AZ.

Jared Lee Loughner, is being charged with an assassination attempt on Gabrielle Gifford. He killed a total of 6 and injured/wounded 14 others. One of these victims was a 9 year-old, Christina Greene. It is being reported that the Westboro Baptist Church (remember those scumbags?), is going to be protesting at her funeral. I don't know why. Protesting a child's funeral? How low can these people get?

Click title of post for full story.
The shooting spree in Tucson on Saturday has fueled debate about extreme political rhetoric in the United States after an acrimonious campaign for congressional elections in November.
Loughner was due to appear in court in Phoenix at 2 p.m. MST (4 p.m. EST) on Monday, the Justice Department said, as reports emerged of a troubled man who had been asked to leave a local college for disruptive behavior.
He will be represented in court by Judy Clarke, the lawyer who defended Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, the federal defenders' office said. "Our understanding is that Judy Clarke is who is assigned to the case and she has accepted," said Manny Tarango, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney in Phoenix.

Investigators said they had found an envelope at Loughner's residence with the handwritten phrases "I planned ahead" and "My assassination," along with the name  "Giffords" and what appeared to be Loughner's signature.

The suspect opened fire with a semi-automatic Glock pistol while the Democratic congresswoman was attending a political meeting in a supermarket parking lot. U.S. federal judge John Roll and a 9-year-old girl were among the six people killed.

Giffords, a 40-year-old Democrat, was in critical condition after surgery, but was able to follow simple commands, such as holding up two fingers when asked, doctors at University Medical Center in Tucson said.
A single bullet traveled the length of her brain on the left side, hitting an area that controls speech. Given the devastating wound, doctors said they were uncertain about the extent of brain damage she may have suffered.
She has been put into a pharmaceutical coma but was being awakened frequently to check her progress.

"There are obvious areas of our brain that are less tolerant to intrusion," said Dr. Michael Lemole. "I don't want to go down the speculation road but at the same time we're cautiously optimistic."

Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said a wounded woman, identified by CNN as Patricia Maisch, had grabbed away an ammunition magazine from the gunman as he tried to reload after shooting into the crowd. He managed to fit in another magazine but it jammed and he was tackled by two men.
So, who is this guy?  Jared Lee Loughner is obviously an unstable man but, what motivated him to go out and do such a horrible thing?

According to Hillbuzz, this Jerad may have been a liberal posting on The Daily Kos. It is NOT confirmed.

IS DAILY KOS INVOLVED IN ARIZONA MURDERS? “My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!” — eerie Daily Kos hit piece on Gabrielle Giffords just two days before assassination attempt; repeated use of word “dead” in relation to Giffords just 48 hours before she and a dozen others were fired upon. UPDATE: Daily Kos scrubs “dead to me” thread but screengrabs document everything; UPDATE: school classmates and former friends describe shooter Jared Lee Loughner as committed Leftist

 Apparently, this is his youtube page.

I don't know. I'm doing my best to find the best information but, the truth is, we just don't know for sure who this guy really is.


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