
NJ Student Commits Suicide - Internet Blamed

ABC News  – Fallout From Rutgers Suicide

Tyler Clementi, a student who attended Rutgers University, decided to jump from the George Washington Bridge because, his roommate decided to record a sexual encounter between him and another man and, broadcast this via internet.

While my heart goes out to the friends and family of Clementi, and the roommate, Dharun Ravi, along with Molly Wei (who also was part of the broadcast), should be punished, I can't help but say the only blame for the actual suicide goes to Clementi alone. That was his choice to have sex in his dorm room and, it's his choice to take his life, rather than go about seeking punishment for the two involved.

What do you think?

Click title of this post for full story.


Mike Mazzeo said...

I agree suicide is a choice, a sad choice but a personal choice never the less. Nobody put a gun to your head, nobody killed you or threatened to do a certain action if you did not kill yourself. The fact that somebody did or said awful things to "cause" someone to take their own life because they couldn't handle the insults does not make that person responsible. The person who took their own life is still responsible. And for the media to say that the Internet is to blame is another example of how we are getting closer to a culture of censorship and regulation. Just like when they blame video games for teen violence. I have talked about how Obama wants to regulate the Internet on my blog at http://mazzeo-freeworldblog.blogspot.com/ if he has his way he could shut down the Internet for national security.


AndrewUK said...

How the hell is he to blame you moron. If he wanted to have sex in his dorm room surely that is well within his rights? The breach of his privacy which resulted in his death is the cause and those two should be held accountable.

Tuesday said...

Andrew, then he should have fought for punishment for the two that violated his rights. He CHOSE to kill himself, not the internet.

If I hurt your feelings and you kill yourself, how is that anyone's fault but your own? It's not. To say otherwise is just silly.

I don't know about this particular campus but, in many dorm rooms, sex is not allowed. He may have been able to bring the other boy to his room because he was male. Many dorms do not allow opposite sexes to accompany students in their rooms. I think you need to think a little bit more about what you're saying, before you comment. :)

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