
Aqua Buddha? Debate Between Paul and Conway Gets Ugly

Reuters – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul addresses statements made by Democratic U.S. Senate candidate

The Senate debate in Kentucky got quite heated when Rand Paul was outraged over attack ads from Jack Conway. Paul even refused to shake hands with Conway.

The issue flared again in the closing moments, when Paul declared he would not shake Conway's hand afterward, stating: "I will not be associated with someone who attacks my religion."

"We will try to keep the debate on a higher tone," Paul said. "I hope you will leave my church, my family and my religion out of it."
Conway is accusing Rand of tying a woman up, while he was in college, and telling her that she needs to worship Aqua Buddha. Huh?

"Why did he freely join a group known for mocking, for making fun of people with faith?" Conway asked. "And secondly, when is it ever a good idea to tie up a woman and ask her to kneel before a false idol, your god, which you call Aqua Buddha?"

This story is unbelievable. First of all, it sounds like this woman is off her rocker but, second of all, even if this were true, it was obviously YEARS ago. So, did this woman go the police? You can't tie someone up without their consent. It's against the law. Sounds to me like some kinky sex was going on and this woman was probably dosing on a drug or two.  Also, can Conway explain how this is even relevant to the the debate? I would hope that whatever Paul did back in college was dealt with while he was a young man. I would also assume he is not the same person as he was back then, whether this happened or not.
Paul, a tea party favorite, advocated his belief in limited government and the free market.

Paul and Conway are competing for the job of retiring GOP Sen. Jim Bunning.

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Mike Mazzeo said...

Who is Conway to judge a man who is religion and question his faith. How low can this man go to bring up a point in this man's past. McCain did not bring up Obama's past with Bill Ayers. McCain did not question Obama's religion wondering if he was a Muslim because his father was a Muslim and he went to an Islamic Preschool in Indonesia. So who is this man to bring up something that may or not of happened. He has who has no sin cast the first stone.


- Mike Mazzeo, The Free World Blog

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