Rosie O'Donnell. Just hearing her name conjures up feelings of anger in me. This is a miserable, uneducated woman, who really never knows when to keep her mouth shut. Chiming in on the retirement of Helen Thomas, Rosie O'Donnell goes on some radio show (The Radio Equalizer), wasting no time in letting everyone know that she too, is an anti-Semite.
What I don't understand about O'Donnell or Thomas' comments are, where do they get the idea that Palestinians are being occupied? Jewish people started migrating back to Israel, THEIR homeland, because they needed somewhere to go but, not just that, the Jewish faith had changed. They now started to believe that their people need to be active in order for the Messiah to come. It was no longer about waiting around and doing nothing but, it turned into doing something about it. If Israel is their promised land, they needed to take claim of it.
After the Romans salted the area, it was then owned by large Arab landholders. There was almost nothing there. It was considered a back providence having no appeal to the Arabs. The Jewish folks moved there and bought the land from the Arab landholders. They didn't just buy the land at market value. They were all but robbed. While rich soiled land in the States like, Iowa was being sold at 1/3 of the price Jews were paying for the barren land of Israel, some 300 dollars or more per acre.
Once the Jews started tilling the land and irrigating and profiting, all of a sudden, the Arabs want to make claim and say it's their land. Huh? If the Palestinians should be mad at anyone, they should be mad at their own. The other Arab countries won't take them. Why? They are quick to jump on Israel but, refuse to help their own Arab brothers.
The Palestinians were asked to stay and help Israel in 1948. They didn't. They left. The Israeli's won the war and now, the Palestinians want everything back. What planet are these people from? This incident is often compared to the those who left the US before the Revolutionary war. The US fought and won independence and then, all of a sudden, these people who left before the war and, fled to Canada wanted their land back. Ben Franklin basically said, no. You left, you didn't stay, you lost your ownership. Why should we accept back people who deserted us in our hour of need?
Isn't this the exact same thing the Palestinians are claiming? Yes, indeed it is. Why should Israel give back to people who deserted them in their hour of need? This is why the Palestinians still suffer and are refugees. Yet, again, I ask, why do the neighboring Arab countries do nothing to help Palestinians? Also, in case you don't know, there has never been a Palestine.
So, what the hell are O'Dumbell and Thomas even talking about? In this Rosie interview, the host says, "Well, she [Thomas] just said something that wasn't politically correct, it's the thought police." Un-be-lieve-able. They are going to say it wasn't "politically correct"? No, this has NOTHING to do with being politically correct; it has to do with being factually wrong.
"Go back home," is what Thomas claims the Jews should do. "Go back to Germany and Poland"? Oh, what a great idea that would be, since it worked out so well for them before, right?
These two are ignorant anti-Semites. I'm so annoyed by how these people want to lecture everyone about everything but, have absolutely no knowledge of history, no reference, and no moral compass themselves. O'Dumbell is a disgrace. She's just another washed up actor, doing what they all do. Shame. I actually thought she was funny back in her heyday.
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