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Freemont, NE has just passed legislation to restrict illegal immigration. There is now a ban on renting property to illegals, as well as hiring them for employment.
Of course the ACLU is all over this and prepared to sue. Why? I don't understand how an organization can go against the very wishes of the people it supposedly represents. They have American in their name. Aren't they supposed to be for OUR civil liberties?
Trevor McClurg said the measure is fair because it's aimed at people who aren't legally in the U.S.
"I don't think it's right to be able to rent to them or hire them," McClurg said. "They shouldn't be here in the first place."
That's exactly right! They shouldn't be here. They are illegal and shouldn't be rewarded. The harder we make it for them, the less desire they will have to come here. This should be mandated by every state in this country. NO exceptions.
If Obama wants to protect this country, find jobs for AMERICANS, and cut the deficit, he could do this by enforcing our immigration laws. It's as simple as that.
"Not only do local ordinances such as this violate federal law, they are also completely out of step with American values of fairness and equality," said Laurel Marsh, executive director of ACLU Nebraska.What the hell is this woman talking about? What about fairness for Americans? How is it fair to break into someone's home and take everything and, not suffer any consequences for doing so? Equality? How are illegals equal to citizens?
Listen up you losers at the ACLU, you are NOT helping Mexicans or, any other illegals by supporting their lack of citizenship. You are keeping them in jobs where they are being paid slave wages. You are encouraging slum lords. Where are they going to go if the landlord does no upkeep on where they live? You are not helping them when you are encouraging them to not speak English. They will never succeed by speaking their second rate language in this country. You are hurting the Americans that worked hard to get decent wages. You are taking jobs away from Americans by encouraging a slave class of people. You are hurting people that are educated and want to come here LEGALLY, people that would not be a drain on society. You are encouraging slavery!
I don't personally know a single person, liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, that is OK with illegal immigration so, I don't know what supposed American values they [ACLU] claim to represent. This is ridiculous. Enough is enough. If you're here illegally, get out, and learn to stand in line like the rest of the people that want to come here.
How can the ACLU say it violates federal law when federal law says they are here illegally. The law of the land (The Federal Law) has restrictions on immigrant and who can live here if you are a non-citizen and if you did not come into America through legal means or over stayed your Visa you are breaking federal law. Yes, the federal government makes the immigration and citizenship laws in this country. Yes, they are generally considered responsible for enforcing it. However, nothing in the Constitution nor the laws says States do not have the right to enforce the current immigration laws. Especially when the federal government has failed to do so.
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