Once again, Obama is blaming the Republicans for economic problems. He claims that they are making life for the unemployed more difficult.
Again, Obama tells the American people that he and his party are never at fault. I'm so curious. At what point will Obama start taking responsibility for the economy? At what point will he admit that he did not react to the BP oil spill quick enough? At what point will he admit that he didn't do enough to clean up the spill in the first place?
It seems there is a never ending blame on Bush and the Republicans. First it's about inheriting problems and, now it's about 8 years of supposed damage done by Bush. It didn't work for Republicans when they blamed Clinton for 8 years of doing nothing but, schtup interns and having various marital affairs.
It's time for Obama to stop with the rhetoric, the blame, and start telling us what he's doing and, what he plans on doing.
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