I didn't watch all of the speech tonight. I really wasn't interested and, I pretty much already knew what he was going to say.
I did catch him say something about the future and how we won't know what it will look like but, we have to work hard to get there. So, he has no plans? No vision? I'm not exactly sure the point he was trying to make there. It seemed more like filler than anything of substance. It came off rather foolish to me.
If you have some comments, leave them below. I'd love to hear your opinions, if you watched or, if you didn't watch, tell us why.
This oil spill crisis appears to be the launch pad he has been looking for that will enable him to push, full speed ahead on his environmental and energy policies. Conspiracy? Probably not but, interesting to say the least.
I am hoping that in November this country can send a strong message to Obama that we are not interested in his communist regime, that he seems so determined to turn this country into. I know those are lighting words to some but, I can't help but feel that way. The man's own life influences have all been based strongly in the roots of Marxist/communist theory. You'd be foolish to not even recognize, or take notice of that fact.
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