Elena Kagan will be facing the Senate panel this week. She will be questioned on various subjects, and her politics.
Even though she clearly will have enough votes to be passed through with the Democrats, the GOP will take the opportunity to expose her stances on things like gays in the military.
She is the first female dean at Harvard Law school and, during her time there, she prevented the military from recruiting at the school, citing that the "don't ask, don't tell policy" went against the school's nondiscrimination policy.
It is mostly feared, and rightly so, that she will not be interpreting the law, but will instead, try to help create law, or twist the law, in order to push through her political beliefs.
The purpose of our judicial system is to interpret the laws that have been passed, and not to create law. There is a huge difference and, as we've seen before in this country, many of these liberal extremists that have been appointed as judges have done just that.
I'm sure she will be appointed and, this is just one more person in Obama's presidency that will most likely carry out his deed to change this country into one that will reflect his socialist agenda.
Obama and his appointments to various offices, including the court, have all been exposed as people who are not just middle of the road, or part of the mainstream but, rather people who are extremists to the left, or socialists. They are not interested in preserving the values of America but, rather more interested in pushing agendas that will move this country to one that is in total control of our daily lives from cradle to the grave.
She has strongly criticized the military for not allowing gays to be open in the military but, I'd like to know her reasoning of how this goes against being discriminatory. First of all, sex is a private act. It is against the law to have sex in public, is it not? I have never once gone on a job interview and have been asked what my sexual preference is. It's not anyone's business what sex I am having, who I am having sex with, or if I'm having sex at all. When one goes into the military, they are there to serve the country and, do a job.
Our culture has become so obsessed with sex. There is no privacy anymore. There has been a push in this country by the left to make sex, mostly homosexual sex, a huge issue that requires government intervention. What happened to families? What happened to trying to preserve a culture that focuses on the norms of a great society?
I have nothing personally against anyone that chooses to be gay or lesbian. It's a private issue that is reached by individuals for various reasons. Perhaps someone feels they are born that way or, maybe they were curious about certain sexual practices and found they felt comfortable in that lifestyle. I've been up close with the gay community for years. I used to think that people were born that way but, after MY years of observation, I have personally come to the conclusion that it is most definitely a choice, as is ultimately, all behaviors.
Whether I am right or wrong on this issue really makes no difference. I am one person who has an opinion. An opinion, that I do not claim, is any more important than anyone else's opinion. The fact still remains that homosexuality is not part of the lifestyle of the majority of people. They make up a small percentage of the population.
Even looking at homosexuality from a purely scientific manner, there is clearly an abnormality with being homosexual. It impedes the ability of procreation, which is necessary for a society to survive. There are also issues, especially with male homosexuality, that can catalyze the spreading of viruses and other health issues, including psychological problems. With all of these issues in mind, we can clearly see that homosexual sex is not equal with that of heterosexual sex.
While I understand and respect there is an inherent sensitivity that is involved in this issue, I find that identifying people by their sexuality in the military will ultimately create an unnecessary disruption. Being in the military is about becoming one with a unit. Instead, this will create a division. Is it not more important for a culture to focus on our similarities, rather than what sets us apart?
Have we not seen with all of our country's history the problems with creating various divisions amongst people? Haven't these same people told us for years that the government should be out of our bedrooms? Why then, would they want to expose what is going on in people's bedrooms?
Then, we have the issue of marriage. The concern is that homosexuals cannot receive benefits for their would-be spouses, supposing they could get married. The fact is, marriage is defined as one woman and one man. I am in support of civil unions or, call it whatever else you want. To me, if you want to declare a union between whoever, that is your business. When it comes to the military, we should absolutely be in support of marriage. Supporting marriage is done by providing benefits to spouses of people in the military.
Giving benefits to gay couple's would be ultimately supporting that union as something equal to a basic family structure that begins with a man and a women and, clearly it is not equal. While that is something that may not be considered PC or, sensitive, it is a fact that we cannot deny. I do not view homosexuality as evil, I simply cannot find reason for the government to view it as equal, when ultimately it restricts the various things I've discussed and mostly procreation.
If you are gay and want to serve in the military, you should do so and, there is no reason, that I can find, that you should not do so. I actually know several gays and lesbians that have served our country with honor. I just feel as though your sexuality should not be questioned. Again, it's a private matter.
I'd love to hear your opinions on this issue. Please leave comments.
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