Obama is now telling the G20 that it should not move too quickly in cutting deficits. His logic is based on the idea that moving to quickly will allow for failure later on.
At the same time he is declaring that the US will halve it's deficit by 2013.
Click title for full article.
I'm not sure what he's getting at. Sure, doing things in a slower manner may indeed be a better route but, how is he planning on cutting any of our deficit when everything Congress and him have been passing is about raising costs? Everything the democrats support is about spending more of the tax payers money, with a focus on distributing wealth.
Obama doesn't have any plans to cut our spending. He doesn't have any plans to cut our deficit either. If he did, he would have laid out these plans long ago. He isn't speaking with the American people about anything. The only thing he's addressed is blaming BP for everything, while telling everyone else to take responsibility for their own actions. The same goes for his entire party. They continue to blame Bush for the economy yet, they have been in complete control and have done absolutely nothing. The American people aren't buying it anymore.
I know plenty of democrats that are done with the excuses from this man. He is splitting his own party up. On one hand, I am all for him continuing on his route of being further and further disengaged from his constituents but, on the other hand, we ALL suffer because of his actions. Obama needs to have a serious history lesson about what this country stands for.
If he truly wants to halve our deficit, then he needs to tell the people HOW he plans on doing this, while still promising health care and promoting new environmental legislation, amongst other "tax and spend" policies he supports.
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