According to a recent article (click title of post), Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl is reporting that Obama has made it clear he doesn't want to secure the border; he wants comprehensive immigration reform.
At a town hall meeting recently, Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl told a group of constituents that in a closed-door meeting with President Barack Obama, the president told him, “The problem is … if we secure the border, then you all won't have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform.”
Of course Obama is denying this through Bill Burton and Dan Pfeiffer, the Deputy Press Secretary and Communications Director respectively. They are saying that Kyl knows that Obama never said such a thing but, Kyl is standing by his words.
It doesn't surprise me at all that Obama would say such a thing. He is such a complete narcissist. He's not concerned with the welfare of this country, he's only interesting in passing one piece of legislation after another. Like Clinton, he is obsessed with legacy and what mark he can leave upon this country, mostly what he can do to destroy it.
It is complete and utter BS that we are being told by this administration we can never fully seal the border. These folks are not even trying to do their job. Napolitano is just out there declaring defeat and, telling Mexicans to come on in.
The fact is, Americans are absolutely sick and tired of illegals. They are not here to work, they are not here to become a part of our culture, they don't want to speak the language, they want to take benefits, they are not paying taxes...the list goes on and on.
I hear it practically everyday from average citizens. Again, I've said it before, this has nothing to do with being conservative, liberal, libertarian, ect. It has to do with common sense. Look around you. I see Mexicans waving Mexican flags; I see Mexicans speaking Spanish; I see people losing their jobs to Mexicans;every place I call, I have to press "1" for English. I have heard Mexicans brag to me about how they do not have to pay taxes for five years. I have had Mexicans tell me that it is their plan to take over without firing a gun. I have even heard them tell me that this is their country and they fully plan on getting it back. This is a full attack upon our country.
The government refuses to enforce the laws we currently have concerning immigration, yet they think a comprehensive immigration plan is going to be enforced? If you can't enforce the laws we have, what on G-d's green earth do you think more laws are going to do? Not only that but, the Obama administration wants to sue Arizona for doing their job! So, they want to waste OUR tax money suing a state for doing what the people of that state want them to do? What is going on with Washington? They are completely removed from the people.
I know I've said all this before. I know other people have said all this before but, I feel like I cannot say it enough and I will not stop saying what needs to be said. The message needs to be said over and over until it is heard by the government.
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