You can click the title of the post if you want to read the anti-American story that's currently running on the AP.
I will not be naming names because, I don't understand why it's important to humanize these immigrants and feel sorry for them, to the point where my country shouldn't be allow to protect itself from invaders.
Another illegal was killed at the border, near El Paso. This time it was a teenager. The US border patrol was being attacked by people with rocks and fought back to end the attack.
Yes, I absolutely believe OUR border patrol and their description of the attack. Yes, I don't like that anyone had to be killed but, that may happen if you do something to provoke violence, or enter into property that is not yours and, you have no business being there.
If someone comes in my home, when they are not welcomed, I will grab my gun, I will protect myself, and if I shoot you dead, so be it. I hope to G-d that never happens because, I would NEVER want to take someone's life but, I will do what I need to do to protect myself but, more importantly - my daughter.
The SAME analogy is applied to our borders and, I'm sick and tired of the Mexican government acting as if we are in the wrong. Truth be told, they do the same thing with immigrants trying to illegally come into their country. Then, they constantly have the audacity to be "steaming mad" or upset with US border patrol. It's absolute nonsense.
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