It makes me mad how people think it's okay to take advantage of people the way they do. Those in the government and these black "leaders" know damn well how to get the black community in an uproar. They do it all the damn time.
The New Tawana Brawley
***Click on images to enlarge.
I'm sure you all know by now the case that concerns a 17-year old boy, Treyvon Martin, who was gunned down by a man named George Zimmerman.
I'm sure you all know by now the case that concerns a 17-year old boy, Treyvon Martin, who was gunned down by a man named George Zimmerman.
So far, here is my basic understanding...
George Zimmerman,
Tawana Brawley,
Treyvon Martin
Posted by
History of Democrats
This is a great video to remind those that are historically challenged (lefties I'm talking to you), the democrat party has always been and will always be about dividing people, making them victims or oppressors, and using their struggles for personal gain in power. These are the SAME tactics that the party of demons use today.
United States
Posted by
On Vacation
So, I'm going on vacation for a bit...I think I may still post. I don't know yet. Anyway, everyone needs a break from time to time. I'll definitely be back next week.
I love you all!
I love you all!
Posted by
Kony 2012
I have to first state that I really don't know squat about Africa. I have heard many different stories about Christians being attacked and their houses burned down, children being turned into soldiers, babies being raped, the ever-rapid expansion of people contracting AIDS, and other horrors. I remember some young adults from a church I used to attend going to Africa to spread the word of the Lord and them telling me about how excited the people were to have Bibles, to hear the word of the Lord, and were eager to be baptized. In fact, they had mass baptisms where people stood in line to go into the water and fully, publicly declare their love for the Lord. Amen! The stories brought tears to my eyes but, alas, I don't know much about the history or the current governments. I probably couldn't pick out too many of the countries there on a map, not since 6th grade anyway.
These People Are Disgusting -- Obama and His Friend With Shared Values
Breitbart speaks to us from the grave...he is still a crusader for the right and this latest video was see Obama praising a man, declaring him as someone who shares his values. Congressman Danny K. Davis has received an award from the Communist Party USA.
In this video we see Congressman Davis being asked about his Chris Hani and Rudy Lozano Social Justice Award from People's World - a communist front group. You would think that the man would be proud but once the term communism is brought up, he hides like the coward he his, dodging and avoiding any confrontation.
If you have any problems with this video, please click the title of this post to watch on the Breitbart site. I simply did not have enough room to fit the video correctly on here.
Wow. This video is amazing. What a damn coward and a complete embarrassment to this country. What has this country come to where communists are respected by our nations leaders? What kind of values are being taught in Chicago that anyone would accept communist drivel? Why the hell is our president calling this man someone that shares his values? Come on, this what you expected in a leader? You still want to deny your man Obama is not a radical left-wing nutjob?
Comment below.
In this video we see Congressman Davis being asked about his Chris Hani and Rudy Lozano Social Justice Award from People's World - a communist front group. You would think that the man would be proud but once the term communism is brought up, he hides like the coward he his, dodging and avoiding any confrontation.
If you have any problems with this video, please click the title of this post to watch on the Breitbart site. I simply did not have enough room to fit the video correctly on here.
Wow. This video is amazing. What a damn coward and a complete embarrassment to this country. What has this country come to where communists are respected by our nations leaders? What kind of values are being taught in Chicago that anyone would accept communist drivel? Why the hell is our president calling this man someone that shares his values? Come on, this what you expected in a leader? You still want to deny your man Obama is not a radical left-wing nutjob?
Comment below.
Andrew Breibart,
Barack Hussein Obama,
communist scum,
Danny K. Davis
Posted by
Holy Bias Nonsense - Union Thugs Reveal Their Stupidity
Of course I expect to see bias on the AFL-CIO NOW website. It certainly makes sense since these are people who have basically vowed to be in the pockets of democrat candidates, seemingly unaware of how they are used by the party over and over again. The following however was quite remarkable in its bias, that I had to pause at how outrageous it was, so much so that this could only be labeled as LIES.
Barack Hussein Obama,
Posted by
Occupy Idiots
Some videos to check out...
Just by viewing these videos, it is easy to see that most of these protesters really do not have an idea as to why they believe what they believe. They cannot stand to be confronted or be expected to explain their ideas.
In the next video, communist idiots are tying to school someone that lived under a communist regime. They then try to make the assertion that communism is Christian. This same guy starts to make an argument that humans can eventually evolve into perfect beings - people who are not violent and all love one another. Apparently, communism will eventually do this. Is it just me or does this sound exactly like eugenics? This is exactly what communism has always done. It favors certain people, who have certain traits and those that do not are killed off. Same thing Hitler did, same thing all totalitarian leaders have done throughout history.
Just by viewing these videos, it is easy to see that most of these protesters really do not have an idea as to why they believe what they believe. They cannot stand to be confronted or be expected to explain their ideas.
In the next video, communist idiots are tying to school someone that lived under a communist regime. They then try to make the assertion that communism is Christian. This same guy starts to make an argument that humans can eventually evolve into perfect beings - people who are not violent and all love one another. Apparently, communism will eventually do this. Is it just me or does this sound exactly like eugenics? This is exactly what communism has always done. It favors certain people, who have certain traits and those that do not are killed off. Same thing Hitler did, same thing all totalitarian leaders have done throughout history.
Occupy Any City USA,
Occupy Wallstreet,
Russian immigrant
Posted by
For Someone That Claims The Rich Should Pay More Taxes, Buffet Sure is a Hypocrite
Warren Buffet - the quintessential elite liberal. "Do as I say and not as I do," is the motto they live by.
Considering I live in Omaha, I can tell you for a fact that I have heard story after story from either friends or friends of friends who have served Buffet in restaurants, parking lots, golf clubs, etc., and all claim that he either leaves a penny for a tip or nothing at all. He does like to offer quick little comments with his penny tips, "Well, that's a start," and a smirk on his face. I have personally witnessed this man allow his children to be dressed in rags since he refused to help them. Of course that was years ago...but he's still the stingy liberal he's always been.
Buffet does not give a crap about the poor. He delights in treating the lower class like dirt. Just ask about anyone in this city that doesn't make 6 figures and has had to deal with him in one way or another. The stories are never ending.
Remember when Buffet made a big deal about his secretary paying more taxes and how the rich should pay more?
Well, Buffet, it seems as though you cannot even handle the tax obligations you currently have so how is it that you think the rich should pay more? Why not pay what you owe now? This isn't the first time I've heard reports of him avoiding taxes and I'm sure there will be more stories to come. Where's the MSM??? What is this not being reported on the main alphabet channels? Why isn't Obama speaking out against Buffet for being a fraud? Questions I think every liberal should ask.
NetJets Inc., the private-plane company owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/B), was countersued by the U.S. over $366 million in taxes and penalties.Click title of this post for full article and details.
Considering I live in Omaha, I can tell you for a fact that I have heard story after story from either friends or friends of friends who have served Buffet in restaurants, parking lots, golf clubs, etc., and all claim that he either leaves a penny for a tip or nothing at all. He does like to offer quick little comments with his penny tips, "Well, that's a start," and a smirk on his face. I have personally witnessed this man allow his children to be dressed in rags since he refused to help them. Of course that was years ago...but he's still the stingy liberal he's always been.
Buffet does not give a crap about the poor. He delights in treating the lower class like dirt. Just ask about anyone in this city that doesn't make 6 figures and has had to deal with him in one way or another. The stories are never ending.
Remember when Buffet made a big deal about his secretary paying more taxes and how the rich should pay more?
Well, Buffet, it seems as though you cannot even handle the tax obligations you currently have so how is it that you think the rich should pay more? Why not pay what you owe now? This isn't the first time I've heard reports of him avoiding taxes and I'm sure there will be more stories to come. Where's the MSM??? What is this not being reported on the main alphabet channels? Why isn't Obama speaking out against Buffet for being a fraud? Questions I think every liberal should ask.
does not pay taxes,
Warren Buffet
Posted by
Give Us a Damn Pipeline Obama
Democratic leadership squeaked out a 56-42 vote. | John Shinkle/POLITICO
Obama lobbied hard to stop the passage of a bill that would allow an oil pipeline from Canada to Texas. The bill in the Senate required 60 votes but, only received 56. 11 of the votes were from democrats that crossed party lines and 56 is still the majority. If Canada is unable to sell the oil to us, they will sell the oil to another country, most likely China.
The American people want the Keystone pipeline. We do not want to increase our dependence on oil from the Middle East. Buying oil from Canada will keep the cost down as well as foster a positive relationship with our Northern neighbors. Unlike Middle Eastern countries, Canada is not hostile toward the United States.
With increased drilling efforts, the pipeline, and encouragement of improving green energy, we can not only keep the cost of energy down but, we can still move forward with other options. I'm not necessarily a "green" person but, I am all for trying to explore other options. Why not? It certainly doesn't hurt us to look for other energy sources. The problem is, at this point, we do not have the capability just yet and that is the reality. Europe tried increasing their gas rates in order to push for green energy but that strategy has not worked. It has only crippled people. The United States is not Europe. We rely on traveling far distances to ship out goods and especially food. When the cost to transport these goods increases, the prices continue to rise, further crushing the poor.
Here are the 11 Democrats that actually responded to the wants of the American people:
The 11 Democrats who crossed party lines to support the amendment were Max Baucus of Montana, Mark Begich of Alaska, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Jon Tester of Montana and Jim Webb of Virginia.Click title of this post for article.
Barack Hussein Obama,
Big oil,
Keystone pipeline,
Posted by
What I Learned Today ...
Each day, I really do try to learn something new. I either read something or engage in conversation with someone but, it is always my intention to find something that I can learn. Hopefully it will be something that is positive and something that is considered useful. Then there are somethings I have to re-learn because I just forget or I do not want to remember. I guess you could say today is one of those days.
While the country is in dire need of fixing, our men and woman are at war, our economy is collapsing, gasoline prices are skyrocketing, our debt is growing larger, unemployment is increasing, our attention has been forced onto Sandra Fluke, anobody 3rd year law student at Georgetown University who is advocating for the government to force her catholic school to cover contraception for women.
While the country is in dire need of fixing, our men and woman are at war, our economy is collapsing, gasoline prices are skyrocketing, our debt is growing larger, unemployment is increasing, our attention has been forced onto Sandra Fluke, a
how liberals argue,
How liberals think,
Sandra Fluke
Posted by
So Let Me Get This Straight...
This is a guest post by my friend Sidney Salgado. I read this and immediately felt the need to pass this along. Sidney is always topping himself with one great post after another. He is a huge inspiration to me and I hope that I too will find a strong voice in my writing the way Sidney has. Please read, enjoy, and pass along if you like.
Thank you, Sidney for all you do!
So let me get this straight:
✔ Movies and video games highlighting the assassination of George W. Bush are acceptable...CHECK!
✔ It's okay for a lowlife cretin like Jay-Z to dehumanize women with his lyrics...CHECK!
✔ Rapper Chris Brown can pummel the shit out of his girlfriend within inches of her life, yet receives a Grammy...CHECK!
✔ Ted Kennedy KILLED a woman and continued to serve in office for another 40 years...CHECK!
✔ On Jimmy Fallon's "Late Night" show (which nobody watches), the band introduces Michele Bachmann with the song, "Lyin' Ass Bitch", yet nary a word was said...CHECK!
✔ HBO's Bill Maher has repeatedly called Sarah Palin a "cunt," yet the State-controlled Ministry of Propaganda that is the limp-wristed liberal lamestream media (including Fox News) doesn't have a problem...CHECK!
✔ MSNBC's Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a "right-wing slut," yet ya didn't see advertisers pulling out en masse in protest...CHECK!
✔ The rapist Bill Clinton sexually assaulted more than a dozen women o'er three decades, but nobody's talking...CHECK!
✔ I see that David Letterman is still on the air despite saying, "There was an awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game. During the 7th inning, her daughter (who was 12 at the time) was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."...CHECK!
✔ Al Gore sexually assaulted a female masseuse, but the story was buried...CHECK!
✔ Jesse Jackson called Barack Hussein Obama a "nigger" during a break from an interview and once dubbed New York City as "Hymietown," yet HIS apologies were good enough...CHECK!
✔ Barney Frank ran an illegal gay whorehouse on his property whilst serving the people of Massachusetts in Congress, but it's all water under the bridge now...CHECK!
• Obama is selling the country to the Russians, Chinese, and Arabs in piecemeal,
• our God-given rights (protected by the Constitution) are being stripped away on every front,
• the national debt is fast-approaching $16,000,000,000,000,
• the U.S. dollar is on the verge of hyperinflation,
• the American economy has been reduced from its AAA rating and is on the verge of bankruptcy (primarily due to Marxist welfare entitlement programs),
• the Muslim Brotherhood is on the rise in the Middle East,
• dangerous anti-American communist radicals are protesting in the streets of Anytown, USA,
• the overall cost of living is skyrocketing,
• the REAL unemployment rate is close to 18%,
• gas prices are starting to hit $5 per gallon (and will be $6 by the 4th of July),
• the country has been divided along racial, gender, class, religious, and lifestyle lines,
• U.S. military troops are STILL getting killed in the Middle East,
• hatred is abounding, while Christians and Jews are being attacked on all sides,
...yet the ONLY headline worth mentioning in the media is Rush Limbaugh apologizing to a woman (seeking her fifteen minutes) for calling her a "slut," despite the fact that she's openly admitted that she wants to get compensated by insurance companies (funded by YOU) so she can: 1) have the right to spread her legs, 2) engage in sex, and 3) kill her baby (if need be) on the friendly campus confines of a Catholic university for which she already pays $50,000+ per semester as a third-year law student.
Thank you, Sidney for all you do!
So let me get this straight:
✔ Movies and video games highlighting the assassination of George W. Bush are acceptable...CHECK!
✔ It's okay for a lowlife cretin like Jay-Z to dehumanize women with his lyrics...CHECK!
✔ Rapper Chris Brown can pummel the shit out of his girlfriend within inches of her life, yet receives a Grammy...CHECK!
✔ Ted Kennedy KILLED a woman and continued to serve in office for another 40 years...CHECK!
✔ On Jimmy Fallon's "Late Night" show (which nobody watches), the band introduces Michele Bachmann with the song, "Lyin' Ass Bitch", yet nary a word was said...CHECK!
✔ HBO's Bill Maher has repeatedly called Sarah Palin a "cunt," yet the State-controlled Ministry of Propaganda that is the limp-wristed liberal lamestream media (including Fox News) doesn't have a problem...CHECK!
✔ MSNBC's Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a "right-wing slut," yet ya didn't see advertisers pulling out en masse in protest...CHECK!
✔ The rapist Bill Clinton sexually assaulted more than a dozen women o'er three decades, but nobody's talking...CHECK!
✔ I see that David Letterman is still on the air despite saying, "There was an awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game. During the 7th inning, her daughter (who was 12 at the time) was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."...CHECK!
✔ Al Gore sexually assaulted a female masseuse, but the story was buried...CHECK!
✔ Jesse Jackson called Barack Hussein Obama a "nigger" during a break from an interview and once dubbed New York City as "Hymietown," yet HIS apologies were good enough...CHECK!
✔ Barney Frank ran an illegal gay whorehouse on his property whilst serving the people of Massachusetts in Congress, but it's all water under the bridge now...CHECK!
• Obama is selling the country to the Russians, Chinese, and Arabs in piecemeal,
• our God-given rights (protected by the Constitution) are being stripped away on every front,
• the national debt is fast-approaching $16,000,000,000,000,
• the U.S. dollar is on the verge of hyperinflation,
• the American economy has been reduced from its AAA rating and is on the verge of bankruptcy (primarily due to Marxist welfare entitlement programs),
• the Muslim Brotherhood is on the rise in the Middle East,
• dangerous anti-American communist radicals are protesting in the streets of Anytown, USA,
• the overall cost of living is skyrocketing,
• the REAL unemployment rate is close to 18%,
• gas prices are starting to hit $5 per gallon (and will be $6 by the 4th of July),
• the country has been divided along racial, gender, class, religious, and lifestyle lines,
• U.S. military troops are STILL getting killed in the Middle East,
• hatred is abounding, while Christians and Jews are being attacked on all sides,
...yet the ONLY headline worth mentioning in the media is Rush Limbaugh apologizing to a woman (seeking her fifteen minutes) for calling her a "slut," despite the fact that she's openly admitted that she wants to get compensated by insurance companies (funded by YOU) so she can: 1) have the right to spread her legs, 2) engage in sex, and 3) kill her baby (if need be) on the friendly campus confines of a Catholic university for which she already pays $50,000+ per semester as a third-year law student.
guest post,
Sidney Salgado
Posted by
Who The Hell Is Sandra Fluke Anyway?
Like most all of my posts on here, you can click the title for the full source article.
This Fluke character showing up out of nowhere to testify before Congress about contraception got me wondering...just who the hell is she anyway?
This Fluke character showing up out of nowhere to testify before Congress about contraception got me wondering...just who the hell is she anyway?
law student,
Rush Limbaugh,
Sandra Fluke
Posted by
Obama Campaign Takes Credit For Boost in Domestic Oil Production
In another article:
In remarks that largely repeated points he made on Feb. 23 at the University of Miami in Florida, the president said that such a strategy requires the right incentives. “And here’s one of the best examples: Right now, $4 billion of your tax dollars—$4 billion—subsidizes the oil industry every year,” he maintained.
Barack Hussein Obama,
Big oil,
oil production
Posted by
Rush Calls Some Slut a Slut and Everyone Gets Sand in Their Collective V@g!n@
Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke
Rush Limbaugh recently called some girl by the name of Sandra Fluke a slut. Apparently she is a law student and she is advocating for "reproductive health care needs" which means condoms and other types of birth control.
Bill Maher,
Rush Limbaugh,
Sandra Fluke,
Posted by
Ethical to Kill Babies?
Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva are the authors of a new article in the Journal of Medical Ethics that is titled, “After-birth abortion: Why should the baby live?”
Click title of this post for full article.
Click title of this post for full article.
Alberto Giubilini,
baby kill,
Francesca Minerva,
Posted by
Gingrich Still Has a Chance?
That's the story today...(click title of this post). Gallup poll shows that Newt is gaining a bit of traction. According to Gingrich, he must win Georgia and he is banking on the South and Ohio. Next week may determine whether Gingrich will have made a comeback, or if he will need to bow out of the race.
I really am hoping he gains some momentum. I like Newt a lot more than I do Romney or Santorum. I guess Romney is not so bad but Santorum, while I love his message, is well known for being...corrupt. I just don't know how he is going to stand up against Obama.
I really am hoping he gains some momentum. I like Newt a lot more than I do Romney or Santorum. I guess Romney is not so bad but Santorum, while I love his message, is well known for being...corrupt. I just don't know how he is going to stand up against Obama.
Newt Gingrich,
Posted by
Obama Thinks His Apology Calmed Things Down
Afghan President Hamid Karzai recently received an apology from Obama over the burning of some korans on a US military base. Well, as far as I know, those korans contained messages that were being written in the margins so that information could be passed between other prisoners. That seems like a pretty legitimate reason to burn the korans. Would they not burn Bibles? Are we expected to believe that the Middle Eastern world would allow American prisoners of war to communicate with each other that way? I'd be surprised if they allowed any American to even have a Bible.
Thursday resulted in two more Americans that have been killed in Afghanistan. Six people have now been killed over some stupid koran burning. Unbelievable. Obama thinks that his apology "calmed things down"?
I am outraged that our president is so blind. He seems to be on the side of the enemy, taking no interest in protecting his own people. If America is expected to survive and protect itself, Obama must be booted out come November.
These people do not understand anything but strength. An apology is appeasement. We did NOTHING wrong. If these people cannot figure out that this is a new century, where people do not get their undies in a bundle over something as stupid as a book burning, then it's time they learned.
President Obama said his formal apology to Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the burning of Korans by U.S. troops last week has "calmed things down" after the incident sparked an outbreak of violence across the country.Click title of post for story.
"We're not out of the woods yet," Obama said in an exclusive interview with ABC News' Bob Woodruff at the White House. "But my criteria in any decision I make, getting recommendations from folks who are actually on the ground, is what is going to best protect our folks and make sure that they can accomplish their mission."
Thursday resulted in two more Americans that have been killed in Afghanistan. Six people have now been killed over some stupid koran burning. Unbelievable. Obama thinks that his apology "calmed things down"?
I am outraged that our president is so blind. He seems to be on the side of the enemy, taking no interest in protecting his own people. If America is expected to survive and protect itself, Obama must be booted out come November.
Two American soldiers were killed Thursday in a shooting by an Afghan soldier and a literacy teacher at a joint base in southern Afghanistan, officials said, the latest in a series of deaths as anti-Americanism rises following the burning of Qurans by U.S. soldiers.
Both were killed on the same day that the top NATO commander allowed a small number of foreign advisers to return to work at Afghan ministries after more than a week of being locked down in secure locations because of the killing of two other Americans.Click here for story.
These people do not understand anything but strength. An apology is appeasement. We did NOTHING wrong. If these people cannot figure out that this is a new century, where people do not get their undies in a bundle over something as stupid as a book burning, then it's time they learned.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai,
Barack Hussein Obama,
US troops
Posted by
Andrew Breibart Dies
The fist story I see when I wake up -- Andrew Breibart has past away. Such a loss at such a young age.
Andrew passed away unexpectedly from natural causes shortly after midnight this morning in Los Angeles.Click title of this post for story.
We have lost a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a dear friend, a patriot and a happy warrior.
Andrew lived boldly, so that we more timid souls would dare to live freely and fully, and fight for the fragile liberty he showed us how to love.
Andrew Breibart,
Posted by
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