Of course I expect to see bias on the AFL-CIO NOW website. It certainly makes sense since these are people who have basically vowed to be in the pockets of democrat candidates, seemingly unaware of how they are used by the party over and over again. The following however was quite remarkable in its bias, that I had to pause at how outrageous it was, so much so that this could only be labeled as LIES.
Trumka says the union movement agrees with the Republican hopefuls who say this election is about “values”—but there is quite a contrast between Obama’s values and those of his challengers.
"President Obama honors the values of hard work, of mutual respect and of solving problems together—not every person for himself or herself. He believes that together we will get through the most challenging economic crisis in memory and restore opportunity for all. Each of the Republican presidential candidates, on the other hand, has pledged to uphold the special privileges of Wall Street and the 1%—privileges that have produced historic economic inequality and drowned out the voices of working people in America."
When Obama took office, says Trumka, the nation was on the brink of a second Great Depression and, over strenuous Republican opposition, he pressed Congress to pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which saved or created 3.6 million jobs.You can click the title of this post for the full article.
I'm not even sure where to begin with these amazing assertions. Where on earth do these people even get this idea from? Where has any Republican "pledged to uphold the special privileges of Wall Street and the 1%"? Who said such a thing? Where? How can anyone possibly get away with reporting such utter nonsense? Good grief. Talk about lying and pure propaganda - this is it folks.
Look, I've been following the news for over 10 years now and I have seen this stuff before. It should not shock me at this point to see liberals spreading lies and pushing their altered view of the world onto others with this type of hyperbole and propaganda. Unfortunately, it always does shock me because I simply cannot understand how people write this stuff, say this stuff, think this stuff, and are still able to get up in the morning and look in the mirror. What is even more worse is that there are people who are so ignorant, and easily misled that they really do believe such amazing nonsense.
How can someone possibly make the claim that all Republicans have decided to align with Wall Street and the top 1% and not even provide one quote or one fact to back this claim up? It is absurd and slanderous.
Look at this again:
Each of the Republican presidential candidates, on the other hand, has pledged to uphold the special privileges of Wall Street and the 1%—privileges that have produced historic economic inequality and drowned out the voices of working people in America."Each of them? Really? Of course the article offers no quotes and no information at how this
Do these union thugs understand that they need Wall Street to succeed if they expect to collect their pensions, 401Ks, and other union goodies that come about from doing nothing but their
If you'd like to read about the other reasons I hate unions, click here.
The last part of what I quoted is equally limited in critical thinking and can also be considered a flat out lie. One has to wonder if the person knows they are lying or is this person so daft, ignorant, and uneducated that they actually believe what they are claiming?
When Obama took office, says Trumka, the nation was on the brink of a second Great Depression and, over strenuous Republican opposition, he pressed Congress to pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which saved or created 3.6 million jobs.Brink of depression? George W. Bush maintained full employment, which is considered in economics <5% his entire 8 years. He struggled in the last quarter of his presidency due to the bailouts of the auto industry, which most conservatives did not agree with. However, I did not hear any of these union
I cannot even begin to tell you how irritated I get when I hear this "saved or created" statistic. That has got to be the biggest insult to the American people I have heard from the Obama administration in the last 3 1/2 years, and to think that people are repeating this as an actual statistic is more proof that liberals, in this case union members, are entirely void of information and education in the area of economics.
In all my years in college, and reading, and studying, I have never heard of such a statistic - EVER - and I defy anyone to show me otherwise. It is NOT a statistic that can even be measured. No economist has ever attempted to measure something so ridiculous. To even make such a statement is so laughable, ludicrous, and downright deceitful!
Mr. Fratto was a colleague of mine in the Bush administration, and as a senior member of the White House communications shop, he knows just how difficult it can be to deal with a press corps skeptical about presidential economic claims. It now appears, however, that Mr. Fratto's problem was that he simply lacked the magic words -- jobs "saved or created."
"Saved or created" has become the signature phrase for Barack Obama as he describes what his stimulus is doing for American jobs. His latest invocation came yesterday, when the president declared that the stimulus had already saved or created at least 150,000 American jobs -- and announced he was ramping up some of the stimulus spending so he could "save or create" an additional 600,000 jobs this summer. These numbers come in the context of an earlier Obama promise that his recovery plan will "save or create three to four million jobs over the next two years."
Mr. Fratto sees a double standard at play. "We would never have used a formula like 'save or create,'" he tells me. "To begin with, the number is pure fiction -- the administration has no way to measure how many jobs are actually being 'saved.' And if we had tried to use something this flimsy, the press would never have let us get away with it."
Of course, the inability to measure Mr. Obama's jobs formula is part of its attraction. Never mind that no one -- not the Labor Department, not the Treasury, not the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- actually measures "jobs saved." As the New York Times delicately reports, Mr. Obama's jobs claims are "based on macroeconomic estimates, not an actual counting of jobs." Nice work if you can get away with it.
Click here for more.
Of course, not one sheep in the liberal media challenges Obama and his administration with this bogus statistics but, hey they are not liberal at all. They are totally fair according to any
Not only that but the Obama administration has tried to take credit for crap that doesn't even exist. They are FRAUDS and LIARS!
Here's a stimulus success story: In Arizona's 15th congressional district, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that's what the Web site set up by the Obama administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says.This is the man that unions want running the country? This is the man they believe isn't in the hands of big corporations. I won't even get into the GE scandal that Obama is knee deep in. If you want to, click here and here. Shall I mention Solyndra? Click here too.
There's one problem, though: There is no 15th congressional district in Arizona; the state has only eight districts.
In Oklahoma, lists more than $19 million in spending -- and 15 jobs created -- in yet more congressional districts that don't exist.
In Iowa, it shows $10.6 million spent – and 39 jobs created -- in nonexistent districts.
In Connecticut's 42nd district (which also does not exist), the Web site claims 25 jobs created with zero stimulus dollars.
The list of spending and job creation in fictional congressional districts extends to U.S. territories as well.
$68.3 million spent and 72.2 million spent in the 1st congressional district of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
$8.4 million spent and 40.3 jobs created in the 99th congressional district of the U.S. Virgin Islands.
$1.5 million spent and .3 jobs created in the 69th district and $35 million for 142 jobs in the 99th district of the Northern Mariana Islands.
$47.7 million spent and 291 jobs created in Puerto Rico's 99th congressional district.
I guess the above is of no concern for union members? After all, Obama would never lie and of course he is all about working with the working man and woman.
I think it's time for union members to wake up from this deep sleep they appear to be living in, since it is entirely clear to anyone with a few synapses still firing in their brain that they do not recognize reality or facts. Either that or they need to stop with their LIES and their distortions of the truth.
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