
What I Learned Today ...

Each day, I really do try to learn something new. I either read something or engage in conversation with someone but, it is always my intention to find something that I can learn. Hopefully it will be something that is positive and something that is considered useful. Then there are somethings I have to re-learn because I just forget or I do not want to remember. I guess you could say today is one of those days.

While the country is in dire need of fixing, our men and woman are at war, our economy is collapsing, gasoline prices are skyrocketing, our debt is growing larger, unemployment is increasing, our attention has been forced onto Sandra Fluke, a nobody 3rd year law student at Georgetown University who is advocating for the government to force her catholic school to cover contraception for women.

As Fluke testifies before the democrats, her voice becomes slightly broken, as if she is fighting off tears but, the eyes are surprisingly dry and clear. This fake display of emotion that is reminiscent of Casey Anthony trying her best to dig her finger into the corner of her eye, hoping to come up with a tear, certainly caused me to stop and question the words coming from her mouth.

First, she claims that for law students the cost of birth control can cost up to $3000. She then goes on and offers anecdotal testimonies, no real statistics or documented evidence, concerning the woman she claims to have grown close with through sharing stories about problems trying to gain access to contraception.

Ultimately, her testimony is hearsay. I have tried to do some digging but, I have not been able to find much on the standards that must be met when someone testifies. It does appear as though the standards are much lower than what is required for a judicial hearing. The witness is expected to be an expert but Sandra Fluke is not a doctor. She is a student and it has already been reported that she is a liberal activist.

Now, I must admit, I did hear this story wrong initially. I thought she had said $3,000 per year but, when I listen closer, she is using this figure for the entire time a student attends law school. She says, "over $3000 during law school."

Click here for some math concerning this number.

I think law school is three years but let's say she is slow and she needs another year. I have heard many numbers thrown around. For instance, I believe here in Omaha, Planned Parenthood (PP) offers birth control pills for around 10 dollars a month. However, I can understand not wanting to visit a place like Planned Parenthood (PP), especially if you are a catholic. So, going to a primary health care physician seems reasonable to me. With no insurance, and with a name brand product, the cost for birth control might be around $45/month.  We will call it an even $50/month, giving us $600/year. Multiply that by 4 years and we get a grand total of $2,400 for all four years. If she attends only three years, this would equal $1,800.

Given the fact that I am being very generous and the total is probably more like $720 at $20/month, I cannot fathom where this "over $3,000" is coming from. It makes no sense. I suppose she could be including condoms but, she did not break any of this down for anyone. We are to accept her words without any definition of terms? We are supposed to trust this number simply because she says it is so? No. I would think someone being called to testify at an oversight committee would be required to offer a breakdown of these numbers, showing exactly how she arrived at this figure.

The picture is becoming more and more clear. She was not qualified to testify because she is a nobody that needs to finish school first. She is either lying or holding back information concerning this $3000 figure.

Now, let's look at the sad, sob stories that she reveals during her testimony. She mentions a woman that suffered from embarrassment at a pharmacy because when she was told her insurance would not cover her contraception, she had to leave because she could not afford that prescription. Next, a married student stopped taking birth control because her and her husband just could not work it into their budget. To which I have to ask, what kind of sissy husband does this woman have? Any man will do anything to have sex. He will work it into his budget. If he is not interested in sacrificing for his wife in order to afford birth control, I can all but guarantee he is going elsewhere and putting up money for some other woman.

She then insists that birth control is not as accessible as we might think. I guess there are no drug stores where she lives?
Law student and reproductive rights activist Sandra Fluke. (AP Photo)

She then carries on about a friend that needed the pill to avoid cysts growing. However, Georgetown does make an exception for this need. Fluke then points out that other religious institutions do not cover offer this exception. At this point, the slut Sandra starts chirping about a bureaucracy that is putting women's health in the backseat. Another woman was denied coverage for her pill because after questioning her, they felt she was lying and really needed the pill to prevent pregnancy, not cysts. The shocker? She's gay... and we all know how gay people NEVER have children, and never would have straight sex. Sandra then says this woman was paying over $100/month for birth control and eventually could not afford to take the pill anymore.

$100/month? Where is THIS bloated figure coming from? I have never heard of any pill that is over $100/month. This woman was obviously on other medication where she must have been paying a co-pay or something. This figure is total crap and a lie. When I went to search for "cost of contraception pill no insurance," an article popped up explaining that within 3 miles of where Sandra lives, there is a Target that sells the pill for $9/month. That's a FAR cry from $100/month. Remember, the highest price I could find was about $45 and in my original calculation and I rounded that up to $50, still half of $100. It is this type of deceitfulness that diminishes anything else she has to say. It is certainly one thing to make an argument for women having access to the pill, especially if they are taking the pill for other means besides preventing pregnancy but, when she lies this way, why would she expect anyone to take her seriously? This is the type of liberal activist who will say and do anything to make her argument appear urgent but, lying is also the quickest way to have people dismiss you and call you a fraud.

Sandra continues and next she reveals that another friend was just in the hospital because they removed a tennis ball sized cyst from her ovary. This has now sent her into early menopause and she may never have children. According to Sandra, this is not a rare occurrence. The woman had Polycystic ovary syndrome, which effects around 1 in 20 women. Another woman she knows that has this SAME problem has not received reimbursement for her medicine yet and prays that she will not be in need like her other friend was.

So, polycystic ovary syndrome is something that I had to look up and not surprisingly this is something that occurs in woman who are obese or overweight. Many women have diabetes, so it is clear these ladies not eating correctly; they are not exercising, and they may also be smoking. Sounds like this was probably brought on by their poor diet and lack of care for their bodies. This woman would have had problems carrying a child anyway. One of the very first recommendations for treating this syndrome is eating healthy, exercising, and no smoking. Gee, that puts things into a whole different light, doesn't it?

How are all these educated woman so incapable of doing a search on the internet, just like I did, in order to find help? Why are they not contacting their physician and asking for information on assistance if they are in such dire straights? How are these women affording the tuition of such an expensive school, yet they cannot afford $9/month? Do these woman all come from such low income homes that their parents cannot afford $9/month? Hell...how could they not afford $100/month, even if we wanted to go by her bloated numbers? Obviously this woman was NOT taking care of herself. Maybe her friend should have bought the pill instead of cheeseburgers?

Finally, we come to the biggest damn whopper of them all! I am telling you right now, the minute I heard this story, I could tell Sandra made this story up...totally. I have never heard something so stupid in my life. She claims that a woman was raped and because she knew the insurance didn't cover contraception somehow this woman inferred that her insurance would not cover anything related to reproductive health, so she never went to go get examined and never got tested for STDs. That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I don't want to put a woman down if she really does exist and she really was raped but, I'm not buying this story at all.

If you are raped, go to the damn hospital and worry about the bill later. Hospitals cannot turn you down and they will work with you on payments. There are people at the hospital who will give you information and put you in touch with people that can help you.
The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) provides a online hotline and can be reached by phone at 800-656-HOPE. RAINN offers counseling, as well as other types of help to rape and sexual assault vitims.

Who pays for a sexual assault victim’s forensic medical examination? 
A new federal law was enacted as part of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

The law requires states to ensure that sexual assault victims can receive forensic medical examinations free of charge, regardless of their decision regarding making a police report. The law is effective in January of 2009.

This means that victims cannot be required to make a police report, or participate in the criminal justice system, in order to obtain a free forensic medical examination.

Victims may receive forensic medical examinations free of charge, or they may receive reimbursement for the costs of a forensic medical examination. However, victims may be charged for other types of medical care and treatment following a sexual assault. The law does not require states to pay for tests, medications, or other treatment and care for sexual assault victims.

The Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center has always provided free forensic medical examinations for victims regardless of their decisions regarding reporting these crimes.

To find information about how forensic medical examinations are paid for in your community, contact your local rape crisis center, victim assistance program, or police department.
Click here for more information.

Ms. Fluke expects us to believe that a well-educated woman was raped and did nothing because she was afraid of a hospital bill? I'm sorry. I'm not buying it for one second. This is the United States, not Cuba or some other turd-world country. If you are that poor and you are going to this expensive University, I can all but assure you that this woman is getting student loans. Another bill that she has to pay back is not going to concern her. This is especially true if she is going to be a lawyer. She will eventually have all the money she needs to pay the bill off and pay her loans off.

If this woman even exists, and she didn't report her rape, I am willing to bet it had nothing to do with worrying about a bill. That is absolutely absurd.

So, the only thing all this has reminded me of is that liberals will do and say anything in order to push through their agenda. The ends justify the means and if you have to lie to get what you want, so be it. Sandra fits in just fine with the liberal crowd. I wonder when she will appear with the "Occupy" crowd?

Okay. I'm so done with this topic but I have to admit, it was pretty fun making fun of the absurdities that this story has offered. The hypocrisy was so overwhelming, I could not help myself. I almost felt bad for repeatedly calling her a slut myself but, after going through her testimony and breaking it down, I am very glad I called her a slut. She is worse than a slut. She's a selfish, sociopath, attention-whore, a lying piece of scum, and an embarrassment to woman everywhere.


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