
Serious Culture Issues Exposed by the Treyvon Case

It makes me mad how people think it's okay to take advantage of people the way they do. Those in the government and these black "leaders" know damn well how to get the black community in an uproar. They do it all the damn time.

Here is a response I had from a woman, who was also black on Facebook:
Zimmerman will not have a trial... Spike has enough people to verify an address before tweeting it... that was reckless. However, I understand his pain because for hundreds of years black people have been slaughtered at the hands of white people with no course of justice. I think Z is not worth killing because we will lose someone valuable just to have him dead. Zimmerman who was outside (not in his home) called 911 because of a suspicious person... 911 responded and asked Z on two occasions not to follow the man. If the kid turned around and beat the snot out of him he was within his right to do so. I've instructed my son to fight for your life if someone gets after you. Then he pulls out a gun on an unarmed teenager and murders him? Z alleges he was punched in the nose (so if someone punches you in the nose you murder them i guess) The thing is if Zimmerman had obeyed the instructions of 911 dispatchers Trayvon may have been alive until the police came and shot him dead.... Because the police are known to slaughter black youth at will without recourse as well...

"...slaughtered at the hands of white people with no course of justice"? Wow...when I pointed out to her that he had a much greater chance of being killed by another black and I cited information to prove that point, she said something about the statics could be turned around to say that whites murder more whites. To which I said, "Of course. Who said otherwise?" It's as if there is a disconnect with some folks who simply do not understand how to think in a logical manner. Why would this woman believe white on white killings have anything to do with proving her point? The fact is most murders occur within races, not outside. Second of all, a black man is seven times more likely to kill a white than a white is to kill a black (statics run from 1976 till around 2005). In fact, out of all the different types of murders involving race, the least likely to occur is a white killing a black. The woman I was conversing with insisted that Zimmerman was white, not Hispanic.

From 1976 to 2005 --

86% of white victims were killed by whites
94% of black victims were killed by blacks

We have to ask ourselves what is going on in our culture where people have allowed themselves to become so enraged that they completely disregard any other evidence that may suggest they are wrong? At some point all of us are guilty of this to some extent (I know I am), however, as you can see in the response I posted above, when it comes to these types of cases, the vision is so clouded that it is clear the person's moral compass is pointed in the wrong direction. There was absolutely no reasoning with this woman. She then proceeded to make even more statements that were exponentially charged with racism and hatred for Zimmerman. Apparently she never heard of irony either.

Another disturbing factor that I am witnessing in the media, with this woman, and others who insist Treyvon was totally innocent because, "he had never been arrested" is this moral equivocation. It matters not what Treyvon did because that is what "all normal teenagers do." So, in their minds, and by their own admission, if many teenagers do drugs, steal, get suspended 3 times, attack a bus driver, deal drugs, etc. these behaviors are then excused and chalked up to be "normal." How do we reason with people like this? How do you get through to someone whose view of the world is this grim, and how can anyone see this as normal? If the majority of teenagers are like this, we are in even more serious trouble than I can imagine because it is apparent that not only could this be true in some people's minds but, they are actually accepting of it and willing to dismiss it as being standard.

For leaders in this country to take advantage of ignorance and work people into a frenzy is extremely irresponsible and quite frankly disturbing. So many people are so obsessed with "white on black" crime that they fail to see that hate crime legislation has actually hurt blacks much more than it has whites since blacks are 7 times more likely to commit a hate crime. How would these leaders not know this? Are liberals using blacks to justify locking them up longer for crimes committed? Could people really be this cruel and disgusting? From what I have seen from democrats in this country and the history of their party, I say, "Yes, they are."

I am praying for the blacks in this country to wake up and examine these cases and understand that they are being used by the very people they support for the purposes of creating more problems within their own communities. We need an awakening to occur among minorities - especially among blacks. Their communities need to be rid of the cancer of liberalism. We all need to come together and fight this common enemy.


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