
Worst violence since US pullback hits Iraq

Here we go again...

It's like this country just never learns from what happened in the past when it comes to war. Obama's policy of pulling out of Iraq and telling the terrorists what we are doing sure is proving to be what all of us on the right have been screaming about.

Now that we are slowly pulling out of Iraq, we can now see that the terrorists are still there wanting to pounce and are doing so. Why is it so hard to see that we need to finish what we started over there? Why is it that these stupid liberal hippies that are in Washington have forgotten about what happened when we pulled out of Viet Nam? Did they damage their brains so much with pot smoke and other illicit drugs that they can't see what is going to happen?

I don't see how anyone couldn't see this coming. Instead, Obama wants to expand more into Afghanistan. Fine. Then what does he want to do? Leave them high and dry when he doesn't find Bin Laden? We all know he's not there.

I don't have all the answers but, I know that we can't just pull out of Iraq and leave these folks to fend for themselves. You think the world hates us now? We have no idea. Part of the problem with Bush 41 was that he didn't take out Saddam Hussein the FIRST time we went over there. Iraqis were mad at us for pulling out that time. Now what are they going to think of us?

We see that the people of Iran need our help but, we aren't doing anything for them either. Obama is set out to destroy this country by his reckless policies. I will not be surprised to see Obama in the near future sitting down with leaders of terrorists and then coming back to America giving a speech reminiscent of Neville Chamberlain back in WW2. I can see it now, Obama in front of his teleprompter, telling America that we will never have to worry about going to war with extremists again and, "I believe it is peace for our time [emphasis added]. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds."

It's coming America.


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