I hate to start this blog with a post about Michael Jackson but, I just can't help it. It seems as though my tv only plays Michael Jackson tributes. Now, I turn on my favorite news channels and all I hear about is his funeral, his will, his not-so-biological children, his nose, his music, his dancing, his health, his use of copious amounts of drugs, yada, yada, yada.
Don't we have a congress passing bills left and right that are putting this country further in debt and stripping away our freedoms while all this nonsense is going on? Isn't anyone concerned that none of our representatives are not even reading the bills they are passing? They are simply passing them through with no debate? I guess not. No, we are much too concerned over a man who is so bizarre; he makes Ted Kennedy look normal.
So fine, if this is what America wants to talk about, I will be more than glad to open my big mouth and express my non-PC opinions! I know how to really piss people off with my opinions; it's just a talent I have.
Since the death of child predator, I mean Michael Jackson, people have really begun to confuse me. First of all, I don't remember him being cared about much before he died. It seemed as if he'd fallen off the map over the past several years. Now, all of a sudden, everyone loves him and shows their undying love by making their avatars on websites images of him, running out and buying his music, tv stations doing tributes and/or covering the death, all sorts of discussions on forums and message boards, ect. It’s quite disturbing if you ask me.
The fact that all these things are occurring over his death is very telling of the state of our current culture. We are all guilty of doing this, myself included; worshiping the false idols of Hollywood. It’s simply amazing the energy we waste turning all of our attention to a man because he made good music. Big deal! He’s not G-d. He’s just a man and one who did evil things as far as I’m concerned.
Like most children who grew up in the 80’s, I was a fan of Michael Jackson. I spent hours with my best friend in front of the tv studying and learning the dance moves to his infamous Thriller video. We used to reenact the whole thing with such energy and excitement, creating quite the entertainment for the parents. However, something happened to Michael after his prime, something quite disturbing.
We all watched Michael slowly change. His face became odd. He was no longer the nice looking black man we all loved and adored. He was pale and his nose began to disappear, he started grabbing his crotch every chance he got and the “he he’s” and the “ow’s” got quite annoying after awhile. He began having lots of children around him, which is somewhat odd for a single grown man. I mean, how many men in their 30’s do you know that are single and hang around children they aren’t related to? If this were anybody else, other than a spiritual leader of some kind, this would be very strange. But, he was Michael Jackson so no one seemed to really care.
Michael then went on to buy monkeys and bones and other strange things. Rumors of his Neverland ranch began to surface and then we were hit with the molesting charges. At first, like most everyone, I completely ignored these charges, dismissing them as a total hoax. Who’d ever want to believe he could do such a thing, even if he was a freak, he was OUR (America’s) freak. Then, for some reason, it seemed out of nowhere, he settled out of court paying an absurd amount of money. Why? Why would Michael do that? Why wouldn’t he fight those charges? I know if I were accused of being a child molester, I was innocent, and I had more money than some of the most powerful people on earth, and I was one of the most powerful people on earth, I would fight tooth and nail before settling for any amount of money!
Now, you say, “but Tuesday, what parent would accept a settlement? If that were my child I would make sure they were behind bars!” Well, I’ll tell you what type of parent…one that lives in the REAL world. Does anyone actually think that Michael Jackson would ever go to jail? Everyone knows that celebrities get a free pass, they always have. Those parents obviously took the money, not only to avoid their child from being scrutinized further in the media but, also because they realized that it was the only way Michael would ever have any consequence for his actions. Oh, and spare me the Paris Hilton argument! She doesn’t come close to the celebrity that Michael Jackson was, even at her prime. This was a man who was simply adored and completely idolized by almost everyone in the United States. Paris was and is hated by many.
Years later, Michael is accused again of diddling with a child. But, instead of focusing on the statements that were made by him and his brother, the media and Michael’s attorney’s chose to center their attention on how awful the mother was. Well, they were right. The mother was horrible and a liar. From what I remember she was involved in another scandal of some sort. But, does that mean children of awful parents deserve to be molested by anyone? Does it mean that somehow the word of the child means nothing because they were unfortunate enough to be brought into the world by a jerk? I think not.
None of us will ever know the actual truth here but, I remember reading those statements and just hearing a “ring of truth” to them. It was so graphic and horrible; I just can’t imagine a child making any of those details up. Plus, we are talking about a known liar here. He tells Geraldo that he only had 2 nose jobs and that was all? I don’t think so. He said he was the biological father of his children and we ALL now know that was a lie, if we somehow didn’t know this before. Also, from other things I’ve read about Michael, the people that knew him questioned his relationship with the truth on many occasions.
I, for one, am not convinced of his innocence and just because a court said he was innocent really don’t mean anything to me. We all have seen on the news or, through personal relationships, people who have gotten away free from their crimes. For me, it’s simply a matter of putting the pieces together. The man was a complete nut job. He was raised in an abusive home. His sister, LaToya Jackson, claimed in her book, “Growing up in the Jackson family” that her father sexually and physically abused her. We all know that Joe Jackson, the father, is a man that has done horrible, evil things. Michael also stated that he was physically abused by him, falling short of stating sexual abuse but, maybe physical to him meant the same thing. So, why would anyone be surprised at a boy being abused like this would grow up to be an abuser himself?
I am not suggesting that just because someone acts “weird” they are automatically child molesters. I’m sure many people think I’m weird. What I’m saying is all the things we know about Michael put together suggest that it is more likely than not that he did do the things he was accused of. It makes sense.
We all know that he admitted to having young children sleep in his bed with him and perhaps this is something, according to what I’ve heard, that black families do. I put my daughter in bed with me as well. I don’t see anything terribly wrong with this behavior. Lot’s of folks, white, black, Mexican, Asian, ect. I’m sure, on occasion, sleep in the same bed with their children but, I’m not sure that it applies to everyone else’s children, especially those you are not related to. That being said, the parents of those children aren’t without fault themselves. I would not be comfortable with a man, a single man, whom I was not related to, sleeping in the same bed with my daughter alone or, with other children. I don’t think I’d be comfortable with even a relative that was single sleeping with her in the same bed. There’s something very wrong there.
I’m not sure what drugs he was on but, currently there seems to be no argument that the man engaged in consuming copious amount of various drugs to numb himself. This is just another part of puzzle that fits and shows what an emotionally disturbed and unbalanced man he was.
I also have a distinct feeling that many more children were abused by him but, were too afraid to say anything. Maybe now, they may have the courage to come forth or maybe not.
The main focus everyone is talking about now is how he died. I feel as though we are never going to hear the end of this. Autopsy after autopsy will be performed, I’m sure. Doctors are being accused of cover up and folks are now claiming that he was healthy when we all know this is just another lie. How could he be healthy when he looked like a walking skeleton, we know he was taking a combination of various drugs and, we have all seen him walking slowly like an old man in pain? Even back when the trial was going on, he couldn’t get out of his pajamas to come to court because, he was so frail and weak.
Yes, they are showing some video of him dancing and preparing for this comeback tour but, give anyone some pain killers and a Red Bull and they can appear pretty peppy themselves. I also heard a clip on the radio from Elizabeth Taylor. I’m not sure of the exact quote but, it was something along the lines of, “When his autopsy comes out, all hell will break lose”? What is THAT supposed to mean? I think he had AIDS. It explains the multiple prescriptions and it also explains his poor health. It’s also poetic justice.
As far as his legendary status, I really could give a crap what he did as an entertainer. None of that matters anymore. He should go down in history, as any other child molester would, as a man who did some damn evil things. Just because he did some good things in life doesn’t mean we should just neglect sexual child abuse and say, “Oh, but, he made such great music.” I don’t see anyone remembering John Wayne Gacy as a nice clown who made children laugh or, the BTK guy as someone who was a nice church man who did so much for his community. No, they are remembered for their horrific crimes, as they should be. I don’t see why Michael gets a pass. His talent consisted of dancing that was not of a formal teaching and singing that was mediocre and “he he’s,” “who who’s,” and “ow ow’s” with the obsessive crotch grabbing. Big deal!
By this woman, and many others, Michael won’t be missed. I only pray that G-d forgives him and makes him perfect one day but, until then, he’ll just be a dead loser who diddled with children.
I never saw this..Funny when I heard of his death I began to tell everyone at work how happy I was and didn't receive the reaction I thought I would..
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