Imagine for just a moment being in the country you were born into. You know the language, you have family there, you know nothing else. However, this homeland that you were born in is not free. You can never get ahead because, you are taxed. You cannot worship how you chose. There are Kings and Queens and laws are made by people you never elected. There is no freedom to do what you want to do.
Now imagine you are here, a new place, a new country that has freedom. You know nothing else really, just that you can be a Christian, you can chose what you want to do, you won't be taxed to death, there's freedom, there's opportunity.
You decide to leave your homeland, you leave with your family, you know nothing else about this land other than freedom. You travel across an ocean in a boat with hundreds of others who believe the same as you, who want the same as you. You travel for a LONG time. There are no planes, nothing modern, NOTHING modern. You arrive in the free land called America.
Now, just think of what the founders of this country went through, escape from their homeland, war, poverty, illness, ect. All of this in the name of FREEDOM.
We now have a president in office who is hell bent to take the yolk of Europe and throw it in our face! He doesn't believe in freedom, he believes in taxing you to death. He wants to punish those who are successful because, they are "lucky." Forget that they've worked hard, forget that they provide JOBS to Americans, forget that we are a Christian nation.
Yes, ever since Obama has stepped into office, all we here is about how WE need to do this and WE need to do that. WE have to take care of the poor, WE have to provide health care for all. WE have to make nice with rogue nations, WE have to pay more taxes to get out of debt, WE have to separate anything that even MENTIONS G-d from government, WE have to become socialists, WE have to accept everything our ancestors ran away from!
I am American and my roots are American Indian (Cherokee), Mexican, and Polish. My family from Poland left to make a better life for themselves. They went through hell to get to America. They were NOT part of the beginning of this country. I am only fourth generation. Yet, they came here for the very reason that so many others did, FREEDOM. They didn't know English, they didn't know anything other than that there were jobs in packing houses and the rail road was here. They also came her LEGALLY.
As far as my American Indian roots, I don't know much about. My great grandparents lived on a reservation in New Mexico, the reservation was burned and my great grandparents died in the fire, while my grandfather and his brother escaped. They hitchhiked to California and along the way my grandfather's brother died; he had to bury him along the way, an unmarked grave somewhere.
I love America. I love this country and when I was young, I was actually a lot darker than most kids. My father is very dark skinned, while my mother was a just a pale Pole. I remember my father telling me, "You have to remember that you are darker and some people in this country will not like you, simply because you are dark. Don't worry about them. This is the greatest country in the world. You have to remember that if you were in Mexico, you would be nothing. This is the only country where a minority can be successful."
So for all the flaws that occurred in this country's past, we have managed to create an awesome land where even minorities can succeed! That says a lot about this great experiment, doesn't it? How many white people do you see as leaders in Mexico? How many black men are famous in France? Think about that. Come to America, where we are this "white" land and the most powerful person is a BLACK woman named Oprah or, the president is of mixed race. Why we still talk about this country being racist is a mystery to me.
So, I digress...when I think of what my family went through just to get here and to escape from Europe and I see this nation moving toward that type of government, it just makes me sick. How did we allow this to happen? Are Americans just stupid? Did the people that voted for Obama not pay any attention to who he was, who his ties were with, before he became president? Or do they really want us to be socialized? If they do want that, why? Did their family not pass along the horrible things that occurred in Europe before their families came here? Do they not understand what their families went through to come here and be free?
I suppose if your ancestors were slaves, you might not see things the same way. However, that doesn't take away the fact that this is NOW the greatest place for someone to be in this world. I don't need to go into the history of how slaves got here, how their own people sold them into slavery. There's no need for that. The focus should be on how we overcame that and established a place where minorities can succeed.
The whole idea of this country is freedom. Freedom to fail, freedom to be stupid, freedom to succeed, freedom to do good things, freedom to do GREAT things, freedom to help, freedom to not help, ect. If you're still reading, you understand.
It's amazing to watch us come so far and fall so fast.
There is always hope and there is always change. So, hopefully Obama is right. We can have hope, that he will leave office and we can have change, if we get rid of the liberal brain washing that's been going on in this country.
I have hope. I see it everyday on the internet. I know that I am not alone. I know that many people DO know the history of this country and do know that socialism is slavery. I know that many people do know their families' history from stories passed down by their family members.
Whatever happens, I am grateful. I am grateful for this country. I am grateful that I am living in America and I'm grateful to be an American. Are you?
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