
Stop The Insanity! 9/11 Conspiracy

I have to start this off by saying that I, myself, used to buy into a lot of the conspiracy stuff, especially the stories that surround the events of 9/11.

9/11 is my birthday. I remember that day very well. It was truly horrifying and sometimes, still, I can't believe it actually happened.

So, if I used to believe in this conspiracy stuff, what happened? Why do I no longer subscribe to such lunacy? Well, the answer is simple. I got an education. As a science major, math and physics are also studied. All this stuff these conspiracy people present can be debunked by a first year physics student.

Now, there is a site that I hooked this up to that can explain this a lot better than me. You can also visit this site, ImplosionWorld. They have some interesting information about WTC. You have to look for the link at the bottom.

Now, do I believe our government is perfect? No. I know they want a New World Order. They have been recorded frequently saying that this is their goal. By "they" I mean, several of our presidents and, other government officials. George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush, as well as Clinton and now, Obama are all wanting a NWO.

I don't think 9/11 helped anything. I think it hurt them from pushing forward with the NWO.

See, remember back when the Oklahoma City bomb went off? Remember John Dow number 2, a man of MIDDLE EASTERN decent was everywhere but, they couldn't find him? Then all of a sudden everything is placed on Timothy McVey? They sure put him to sleep pretty quick!

There is quite a bit of evidence showing that terrorists from the middle east were behind that bombing. We were hit several times during the Clinton administration and how he handled it was to just ignore it. World Trade Center bombing in '93 was ignored, USS Cole - ignored, Terrorist bombs destroy the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - ignored, Rocket-propelled grenades explode near the U.S. embassy in Beirut - ignored, A pipe bomb explodes during the Olympic games in Atlanta - ignored. Bill Clinton never wanted to address anything! He was too busy with other things, as we all know. He was also too busy LYING.

I think that this seriously pissed them off. They wanted credit for what they did and that's why they went to such an extreme for 9/11. No one would be able to deny it this time. Amazingly enough, we have a bunch of people that do deny 9/11 was caused by terrorists.

Everything that happened doesn't seem to help push this New World Order at all. I think it upset a lot of folks and put them back about 10 years.

Everything I've seen by these conspiracy people seems to be laid out in a logical way but, once you look a little further, you can see that they are either flat out lying about what occurred, or they just don't understand simple things. Forget the fact that literally thousands of people would have to keep their mouths shut about a conspiracy, forget the fact that all these explosive materials would have to have been brought into the buildings well before 9/11 and, no one that worked there knew about it, forget the fact that the buildings did NOT fall on it's own footprint like they claim, you can see it in the video, forget the fact that you can't hear any explosion that is commonly associated with a controlled demolition, yes, we are to ignore quite a bit just to buy these bizarre stories.

There are just people out there that hate this country so much and will do anything to make us look bad.

Now, let's just be fair and play devil's advocate. What if they are right? What if their science, physics, and conclusion is correct? Well, if it is, they certainly haven't proven it with what they've offered. I'm sure willing to listen to anyone's opinions and analysis but, it has to be solid. At best we can say, we just don't know what happened.

I most remember that day and when I was watching the tv, I said, "Those buildings are going to come down." There was just something about it that I could see, I could tell the structure was compromised. Sure, maybe they had designed the buildings to withstand such things, that doesn't mean it worked. Obviously it didn't.

The point is, it's okay to question and be skeptical but, you have to look at both sides and you have to be fair and you have to use reason and common sense. It also helps to know a little about physics, especially when studying this kind of stuff.

There are some great videos on youtube that discuss both sides of this. So, go pick out some and look for yourself.

As for me, I'm not convinced of these conspiracies simply because, each of these arguments are straw men arguments and can be easily explained away. That just isn't going to cut it for me.


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