
Michael Savage - Ban From England Is Lifted

I am a HUGE fan of Michael Savage and recently we've seen Savage put on a ban list from England. The list included terrorists and radicals, one from the Klu Klux Klan and another, a skinhead gang leader.

It was sheer stupidity to do this in the first place. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, is the one that created this list. She has since stepped down from her post.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson has removed Savage from this list, calling it a terrible blunder.

I couldn't quite believe this story when I first heard about it awhile back. It seemed so odd to me since, I thought England also had freedom of speech in their country. I've been listening to Savage for 10 years now and never have I heard him try to incite violence or anything that could be considered a threat to people. He gets mad, he becomes enraged, so what? Isn't that the passion that we need to hear? We certainly don't hear any passion coming from the left. All they do is call people that don't agree with them names and that's it, end of conversation, debate shut down.

It got me thinking, what do the people in the UK think about this? Well, to my surprise, I did search the internet and managed to find a few blogs where people were discussing this issue when it first happened and for the most part, they didn't agree with the ban at all.

I think it's simply outrageous to see Savage put under the same umbrella as terrorists. Did Secretary Smith even listen to Michael Savage, or is this just a decision she made based on what she "heard from others"? I'm tending to believe the former.

I often find that liberals who hate Savage or other conservative mediums, like Fox News, later admit that they don't engage in watching or even listening to any of the programs. They simply ASSUME that what they've been told is true. They are so dependent upon others and their opinions, never thinking for themselves.

Well, Savage, I guess you can go to England and get your teeth worked on now... I know you're just dying to try some of their meatballs too!


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