I am watching Fox News. I don't know how anyone can say they are conservative. They keep playing this idiot president over and over.
Obama is going on and on about racial profiling right now, in regards to the Cambridge police as they recently arrested a black man for breaking into his own home. He was a Harvard professor.
He said something about blacks and minorities getting "pulled over" more, in disproportionate numbers.
As I tell all my black friends, "you don't get pulled over because you're black, you get pulled over because, you CAN'T DRIVE!"
It's just the truth. I've been in a few accidents myself and it's always a black women that hits me. They are the worst but, I swear, every time I see a person driving stupid, I look over and it's a black person, usually a woman.
It's not racist. It's just the truth. Yes, whiteys drive bad too but, mostly blacks are the ones driving stupid. Sorry but, it's just the truth.
So, just to be clear, to all my black friends and foes, you are not being pulled over because of your race. Chances are, the police can't even see what color you are; they are looking at your license plate. You're a bad driver, you get pulled over, the police can't help it that you're black or a minority.
Get over it already. Not everyone is after you because of your race! It's simply what you are doing that is causing the attention!
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