In this fabulous video, we see Congressman Peter King actually speak for many of us out here in America! I'm a little late with posting this but, better late than never.
What I absolutely love is his unapologetic way of speaking into the camera concerning this issue. It's about time we heard this message from someone. I can't stress enough how relieving it was for me to hear nothing PC coming from his mouth either. For instance, there was no, "I don't want to offend anyone but,..." When I hear that crap, I instantly know that the person speaking is afraid of his own shadow.
It’s a sad time in America when someone like this speaks out for so many of us and then is called a racist. Yes, now Congressman King is being called a racist. Why should I be surprised? This is so typical from the liberal media and other scum on the left. They can’t deal with any type of criticism so, they instantly turn to the “race card.” Funny how they are always the one bringing up race, huh?
If this were a white performer, we wouldn’t have the wall to wall coverage and, all we would be hearing about was, “Well, he may not have been convicted but, he was definitely guilty.” These SAME people would be saying the same things the rest of us are saying now. The only difference is, we wouldn’t be arguing with them AND, we sure as hell could NEVER say they are racists for pointing that out nor, would we want to.
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