Is the case against Zimmerman falling apart?
An affidavit filed recently seems to reveal a little bit about the state's case against Zimmerman. According to many, this document is dishonest, as well as bunk.
The Empty Wheel has provided a full analysis and concludes it with:
In short, it is sh!t. To be honest, this affidavit, within its “four corners” arguably does not even meet the necessary burden of probable cause for Manslaughter under Florida section 782.07, much less the “depraved mind” necessary under Florida’s Second Degree Murder charge under section 782.04(2) as charged in the information. George Zimmerman may have committed a crime, but it is not demonstrated in this affidavit, and certainly is not as to the crime charged, Second Degree Murder. Charles Blow can praise this thing until the cows come home in the august pages of the New York Times, but it is still a pile of junk.Click here for the rest of the story and here for the full affidavit.
But the above discussion is all about what is in the affidavit, let’s talk about what is not in the affidavit as well. The affidavit goes out of its way to spin innocuous and perfectly legal activity into some nebulous vignette of implied criminality, yet self servingly there is not a single fleeting reference to Zimmerman’s claim of having acted in self defense. To be sure, in charging a case, a prosecutor is going to frame the facts to support her charge. But that does not mean she can blithely ignore patently exculpatory facts known to her and germane to the interests of justice. Angela Corey’s affidavit is thusly not just deficient, but dishonest in a very slimy, even if not unethical way. It is patently offensive in that regard.
The case is also patently overcharged. As stated above, I think it is more than arguable that the probable cause affidavit does not even support manslaughter, but it is not remotely close to supporting second degree murder. This is an embarrassment not only for Angela Corey, but the magistrate who signed off on this bunk. It makes the criminal justice system look horrible.
Did you know that Zimmerman took a voice stress test the night he was questioned? I sure didn't.
They did, and the results probably contributed to his release.Click here for full article.
A voice stress test is like a polygraph, but instead of measuring heart rate and blood pressure, it looks for changes in an individual's voice patterns that are thought to suggest psychological stress. With the help of software, investigators record a suspect answering baseline questions and then compare them to answers about the case.
This technology is not unique to Sanford. The National Institute for Truth Verification, a manufacturer of the technology, claims that over 1,800 local, state and federal law enforcement agencies use their product. They also claim to have trained U.S. Military personnel.
Expert opinion is mixed, but a study commissioned by the Justice Department suggests that a voice stress test is "no better than flipping a coin." For this reason, like its cousin the polygraph, George Zimmerman's voice stress test probably wouldn't be admissible at trial. However, it can still be used in the investigatory phase.
George Zimmerman's voice stress test came out clean, according to attorney Hal Uhrig. If the Sanford Police Department is willing to spend more than $10,000 on the product, then it probably trusts its results. And those results probably corroborated what officers initially saw at the scene.
Now, we also have Alan Dershowitz giving his opinion of this case and I must say it's quite damming.
Harvard Prof. Alan Dershowitz contends on MSNBC that the Arrest Affidavit that was filed against George Zimmerman is “Irresponsible and Unethical” because “everything in the affidavit is completely consistent with a defense of self-defense. Everything.”Those are pretty harsh words and I have to say, I agree. The state clearly is going after Zimmerman due to public pressure and I find it discouraging that people refuse to see and understand this.
There are people changing their minds. This is a great article that I found from someone who originally bought the story hook, line, and sinker but is finally seeing this case for what it is.
The narrative created by the media at that time was one of an innocent life taken for no reason at all, by a much older, heavier, and racist man itching for a confrontation.The article goes on and you can read the rest if you click here.
That was before we found out there was only one gunshot and no coup de grĂ¢ce. That was before we found out that George Zimmerman had not deluged the local police with 46 paranoid 911 calls in one year, but 46 calls over a period of eight years, which isn’t unreasonable for a community watch volunteer. The media had either lied about how often he called, or purposefully compressed the timeline.
That was before we learned that Zimmerman didn’t know Martin’s race when he made the call, and that race didn’t play a roll in any of the 911 calls the local police had on file.
That was before we discovered that George Zimmerman wasn’t the 240-plus pound bruiser in the five-year-old picture the media used as much as possible, but was listed at a much smaller 170 pounds by none other than the New York Times. That’s a nominal 20 pounds heavier than a teen that stood four inches over him.
That was before we found out that two eyewitnesses placed Martin on top of Zimmerman as the aggressor, and that at least one of them claims it was Zimmerman crying for help.
That was before ABC News attempted to claim police surveillance video disproved Zimmerman’s claim of being injured in what may have been a purposeful deception. The very same news organization was forced to later admit the presence of two lacerations on the back of George Zimmerman’s skull consistent with his claim of self-defense. In the end, details of the beating Zimmerman suffered at Trayvon Martin’s hands were only given a brief mention in the local news.
I have tried my best to remain open about this case. I know I wasn't there and I know that with other evidence, it is possible for me to change my mind but the last few days have made me more and more of an advocate for Zimmerman. Obviously I want the man to have a fair trial and I would like this lynch mob mentality to settle down but, now my feelings are much more stronger. I do believe Zimmerman to be an innocent man.
I find it difficult to believe that Zimmerman was trying to create a scene where conflict would arise. I have had several conversations with people and from what I know about people who carry firearms, the act of doing so typically makes one more cautious and humble. Yes, there are those folks that get a big head, maybe feel superior, or maybe look for bad situations to involve themselves in. This is entirely possible and shouldn't be negated fully but, it seems to me those types of personalities are always "on alert." This tells me that there is no way Zimmerman would have allowed this kid to overtake him. We know he knew that Martin was a teenager because he says so in the police call. A 28 year old man going after a teenager in order to provoke a physical altercation does not make any sense to me and if he had expected anything why would he not have been more aware? Just listening to the phone call, you can tell that according to the map, he did not go very far but was already out of breath. Zimmerman was in no condition to be chasing someone in order to fight with them.
Why didn't Zimmerman pull his gun out sooner? This is another problem I have with people going after Zimmerman. Did you hear the cries on the 911 calls? They seemed to go on for a very long time and of course if any of you have been hurt, you know that time seems to slow down, 10 seconds of pain can seem like 10 minutes of pain. Had Zimmerman been prepared or expected any altercation, he would have grabbed the gun first, not called out for help several times. This lends credit to his story that Martin did indeed grab for Zimmerman's gun.
I've spent a lot of time on this case because I feel it truly exposes the hatred that the media has for minorities and their desire to continue divisions among the various races in America. Instead of looking at this issue as two Americans the media has insisted on providing a theory that focuses on the differences of the races between the characters. Rather than considering that race was never a factor, the media has drawn upon weak inferences in order to hype up the story and ignite anger among the black community.
Fortunately there are plenty of blacks who know better and there are plenty more that are awakening to the big lie.
The bail hearing was today. The prosecution tried grilling Zimmerman about him expressing remorse. Zimmerman did indicate that he felt bad that the Martin's lost their son but, of course none of this questioning has anything to do with the case. I suppose he's trying to prove a depraved mind? I'm not sure.
Bond was set at $150,000 and we finally get to see a picture of Zimmerman from that night.
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