Apparently some nobody from the Obama camp made some remark about how Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life. I guess being a stay at home mom requires no work. News to me
Recently, Mrs. Romney was attacked by Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen, who said Romney's wife “never actually worked a day in her life.
If you want to read more about this, go ahead and click the title of this post.
All the conservatives are in an uproar about this, to which I have to say, "Who cares?" Is it any shock that a liberal woman feels this way? Really? Don't we already know that the far left is made up of a bunch of selfish people? How is this shocking in any way?
Liberal woman cannot stand being women. They abhor the idea that women are different from men. They ignore science, which clearly shows that the male and female brain are different. They try and act like men and then whine and bitch when men don't respect them. They are a joke. They don't even support all women, yet they claim to be for all these "women's rights." This is NOTHING new people. There's nothing to get excited about. Let their words damage their own reputation.
I mean, I suppose, yes it's offensive but let's not play like the left and be victims here. Please. Why the hell should anyone care what these people think? The woman was just making herself look like a selfish fool. The liberals are all going crazy on their own with their hateful words and behavior.
I love a good fight but, this one doesn't seem to be worth getting worked up over because it's not shocking at all. Women on the right do not need to be playing the victims here. We're much too good for that noise.
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