
Zimmerman Arrested

George Zimmeman

Today it was announced that Zimmerman was arrested and charged with second degree murder in the Treyvon Martin case. I am waiting to see if there is some other evidence that will be coming out but so far, I have not been terribly successful in finding anything. I will try and keep this post updated as best as I can.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — The neighborhood watch volunteer who shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was arrested and charged with second-degree murder Wednesday after weeks of mounting tensions and protests across the U.S. 
George Zimmerman, 28, could get up to life in prison if convicted in the slaying of the unarmed black teenager. 
Special prosecutor Angela Corey announced the charges but would not discuss how she arrived at them or disclose other details of her investigation, saying: “That’s why we try cases in a courtroom.” 
Second-degree murder is typically brought in cases when there is a fight or other confrontation that results in death but involves no premeditation to kill. It carries a mandatory minimum of 25 years behind bars when a gun is used.
Click title of this thread to read full article.

It's a sad day in American when you have a bunch of loud-mouthed racists, who scream and shout and are able to get a man arrested when he otherwise would have been left alone. (Yes, that's my opinion but based on the evidence I have seen, I'm not convinced they have anything to prove he was lying about self defense).
Corey said the decision to bring charges was based on the facts and the law, declaring: “We do not prosecute by public pressure or by petition.”
Yeah, right. We all believe that.
Legal experts said Corey must have compelling evidence against Zimmerman if she chose to charge him with second-degree murder. 
“That indicates they have evidence (Zimmerman) was chasing Trayvon because he was black,” said Florida defense attorney Richard Hornsby. “It’s difficult to think how one prosecutor didn’t charge him at all and another thought there was enough evidence to justify a second-degree charge. It’s a pretty drastic swing.”
Right, because we all know this is political. Okay, those of us that have brains and don't lap up what the media tells us. They had to go for the bigger charge because these creeps screaming and hollering would not settle for less. Good. Now he will probably walk and I hope he does at this point. Unless she has some great evidence that we are totally unaware of, I can't imagine how they are going to get him on 2nd degree murder.
Tensions have risen in recent days in Sanford, a town of 50,000 outside Orlando. Someone shot up an unoccupied police car Tuesday as it sat outside the neighborhood where Martin was killed. And a demonstration by college students closed the town’s police station Monday.
Oh yes, real classy people who are only out for justice. How can people support this behavior? As soon as I saw this story creep its way into the news, I knew it was a rat. Now that we see the crazy vigilantes who cannot think for themselves, protesting with their fake outrage, the picture becomes even clearer.

From the very beginning the media has altered this story every way it could to push forth this idea that Zimmerman was a cold-blooded killer and not just any type of killer, a racist killer.

Not only did they first tout out their sweet, little pics of Treyvon, showing us a child at the tender age of 11 or 12, they then decided to white-wash his life away anyway they could in order to paint him as a well-adjusted kid. Well, he was 17 and when we found out that he smoked marijuana, possibly sold marijuana, was suspended from school 3 times, including a time where jewelry was found on him that he could not offer a source for, we were then told to just shut up because he's just like "any other teenager." Oh really? So that's the standard of today's youth and we're supposed to just shut up about it?

Then the media goes after Zimmerman's past, which I understand but it turns out the guy had one speeding ticket that was dropped, he was obviously in a very unhealthy relationship that resulted in protection orders from both parties, and some arrest ...all of which were over SEVEN years ago, while George would have been in his early 20's. Now, I'm not saying that excuses him but it certainly puts things into perspective. While neither of them were saints, at least one of them had managed to stay out of trouble for seven years, while the other was suspended at the time of death.

Then, NBC tries to play a fast one by editing the 911 call that Zimmerman made that day before his altercation with Martin. They clearly try to make Zimmerman sound as though he found Treyvon suspicious because he was black, not because he was acting weird.

Another maneuver that the media used in order to smear Zimmerman was to report that some experts had come forward and were able to confirm that the screams that we heard from the 911 calls the day of the shooting were not from Zimmerman at all.

I knew this whole story sounded fishy. I am trained in the sciences and while I have not dealt with voice comparisons, I know that samples need to be properly obtained and that equipment must be calibrated with standards. The voice analyst expert had taken a sample of Zimmerman's talking voice. Then the analyst attempted to match that with the screams we heard on the 911 calls, even though no known scream sample was acquired. Instead, the samples were both recordings, not raw samples, and there was no way of knowing the distance between the scream and the phone. So for this analyst to assert that he was able to scientifically conclude the voice was not Zimmerman's did not appear to be a genuine result.

Turns out, I was right... check out this article on WAGIST.

This is what I think happened...I think Zimmerman is a nosy dude and that's why he's head of his neighborhood watch program. He saw this kid walking around, didn't recognize him, there were break ins before, and he probably thought, "Fuck this. I'm putting this kid on notice." He got out of his truck, puffed up his chest, gave the typical "alpha-bark-scarier-than-bite" look, and called the cops. I don't think he had ANY intention of confronting this kid. He just wanted to come off tough. I get that! I totally understand this...I would do the SAME damn thing (when I was 28 of course, not now)...is it stupid? Yeah but, I think he really felt this kid was up to no good and he didn't want to put up with it. This is why he wasn't afraid to look at Treyvon while he was on the phone. He was putting this kid on notice, letting him know, "I know you're up to no good." Treyvon probably WAS up to no good and ran because he panicked. Then, Treyvon backtracked because he didn't want to go home; he didn't want Zimmerman knowing where he was staying. Zimmerman gets off the phone, tries looking one more time to see where the kid went and Treyvon got his chest all puffed up and decided to confront him, cold cocked him. Fight ensures. Zimmerman, not expecting anything is shocked, stunned, and now getting his ass kicked. The kid probably found the gun, went to grab it, Zimmerman got in a shot. Kid falls forward, Zimmerman pulls out from underneath him...freaks out, like anyone would and the police arrive.

Tom Owen is basically a self-proclaimed voice analyzer, who developed his own software. This is what he used to "confirm" that the scream wasn't Zimmerman's. He has no reputable credentials that can be traced to an actual school. Instead, the school he claims to teach at is his own.
As prestigious as the “New York Institute for Forensic Audio” sounds, there is no such brick and mortar institute. It is actually a “division” of Owen Investigations, LLC. Tom Owen is basically claiming he was an instructor at his own unaccredited university.
I'm all for being inventive and there's nothing wrong with a guy who wants to own his own school but something this important needs to be peer reviewed. That means having other people involved, hopefully many people who are working together and checking each others results. It looks like he just designed the software himself so who is there to correct him? How can we know he developed it correctly?

Again, all of this is a bunch of crap designed to fool people. There were even people going around saying that Zimmerman had no injuries. So, we were expected to believe that he just cooked up the whole story and everyone in law enforcement went along with it. Why? Well, because his father is a retired magistrate from VA. Of course, don't tell Treyvon fans this. They will tell you how he has all these connections and everyone just worked to get Zimmerman (the violent man), off so that they wouldn't arrest him. Utter insanity. The left has gone mad. They will twist their facts and stories any way they can, in the hopes of making this a race issue and suggesting the guy did this without provocation.

You would think that as more information has come in, we would see people stop and be a little more reasonable but, no. Instead the left is even more angry and more willing to trash anyone that gets in their way of going after Zimmerman.

Awh...there is another article on WAGIST that is worth a read as well....check it out here.

More to come...

One thing I would like to know is why it is Treyvon backtracked?

Black Arrow - Trayvon Martin path
Yellow Arrow - George Zimmerman path
Green square - Traction's dad's house


Seems to put this into even more perspective. Why didn't he just go home?


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