
If He's Guilty, There's No Reason to Lie About Zimmerman

A person has a right to defend themselves. At this point, every single piece of evidence that supposedly proves Zimmerman's guilt has been shown to be a fraud or manipulated. So far, this is a case of someone wanting to protect his neighborhood and it turned into a horrible event of a man having to defend himself against an emotionally disturbed and violent child.

1) People insist that Zimmerman stalked Treyvon but that simply isn't the case. Yes the operator told him not to follow him but the operator ALSO said this:


Uh, huh.

Something’s wrong with him. Yep, he’s coming to check me out.

He’s got something in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is. [01:20]

911 dispatcher:

Let me know if he does anything, OK?



911 dispatcher:

We’ve got him on the wire. Just let me know if this guy does anything else.

911 dispatcher:

Are you following him? [2:24]


Yeah. [2:25]

911 dispatcher:


We don’t need you to do that. [2:26]


OK. [2:28]
At this point, Zimmerman stops breathing heavy and he politely says, "okay." At no time is he arguing nor does he sound angry.

I posted this before but, it's worth looking at again.

Black Arrow - Trayvon Martin path
Yellow Arrow - George Zimmerman path
Green square - Traction's dad's house

Click on image to increase size.

Now, let's look at the phone call concerning the information given about the location:

Please note that Zimmerman called the non-emergency line to the police department. Unfortunately, as with everything that has been put forth by the media, we see that many people are saying "911 operator" instead of dispatcher. Even I thought this at first because it had been repeated by the media so many times.


We’ve had some break-ins in my neighborhood and there’s a real suspicious guy. It’s Retreat View Circle. The best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle.

He’s just walking around the area, the houses? OK.


Now he’s staring at me. [00:48]


OK, you said that’s 1111 Retreat View or 111?


That’s the clubhouse.


He’s near the clubhouse now?


Yeah, now he’s coming toward me. He’s got his hands in his waist band.




These assholes. They always get away.

When you come to the clubhouse, you come straight in and you go left. Actually, you would go past the clubhouse.[1:39]


OK, so it’s on the left hand side of the clubhouse?


Yeah. You go in straight through the entrance and then you would go left. You go straight in, don’t turn and make a left.

He’s running.[2:08]


He’s running?Which way is he running?


Down toward the other entrance of the neighborhood. [2:14]


OK, which entrance is that he’s headed towards?


The back entrance.


Alright, sir, what is your name? [2:34]


George. He ran.

Yes, he ran away and it's clear Zimmerman was no longer following him.

Based on the information of the call, we can see that Treyvon was running the other way towards the back entrance and at some point, he had to have backtracked. Why? Instead of going home, Treyvon went back to confront Zimmerman.

2) There were people insisting that Zimmerman made a racial statement "F'ing Coons."

First of all, no one uses that phrase anymore. Second of all, it has now been determined that he said, "It's f'ing cold." Third of all, it makes absolute sense that he said it's cold.

Have you ever been to Florida? Well, I have and I will tell you that anything below 65 is "f'ng cold." Now here and Nebraska, 65 is perfect! Temperature is relative to where you live. In Northern Michigan, 65 is a damn heat wave. Clearly it was raining, dark, and cold.

This attempt to make Zimmerman out to be a racist is pathetic and has been proven to be a lie.

3) Zimmerman's past record is brought up in an attempt to discredit him. Well, first of all, one of these charges was a speeding ticket, hardly an act of violence or anything that most anyone else has not had. This was actually dropped. The second would have some merit but, it turns out that both him and his girlfriend filed restraining orders against one another. Obviously this is a case of a dysfunctional relationship. While not everyone has experienced this, these relationships are becoming more and more popular and that, of course, is due to our ever increasing "liberal values" (oxymoron), in this culture. Let's face it, relationships have gone downhill. Women think they are men and can go around acting like men. They also treat their men like shit. This is getting off topic but anytime I can point out the dysfunction of liberals, I will go ahead and do it.

Finally there is an arrest. This is probably the most damaging of everything and does indeed show that he may have been violent. The only problem? This was over seven years ago. Zimmerman would have been 21. Young men often get into trouble. Let me say that again, YOUNG men get into trouble. The idea that Treyvon may have been doing something wrong, doesn't seem too far fetch when you consider this fact. After all, Treyvon was 17, not 28 and Zimmerman hasn't had any trouble with the law since over 7 years. The fact that Zimmerman had been in trouble before also suggests that he knows all too well this kid may have been up to no good. We recognize what we see when we have done the same before.

I did some more research on this and found something very interesting:
Another fabrication the media allows to continue without correction surrounds a prior 2005 arrest (non-conviction) of George Zimmerman. The media and talking heads have repeated this mantra long enough to embed it in the psyche of almost every reader/listener. They frame the arrest as a battery charge against a police officer. 
But whoa… wait a minute. Arrest with NON-Conviction. Huh? Well the details are more nuanced and they prefer you not to know the full story because the headline fits their narrative, the content doesn't. 
In 2005 Zimmerman was in a bar having a drink with a friend. Unbeknownst to them an undercover sting operation was going on inside the bar with police officers posing as patrons to catch bar operators selling alcohol to minors. 
An altercation between one of the undercover (regular clothes) officers and a friend of Zimmerman took place. Zimmerman thought his buddy was about to be in a bar fight so he interjected and shoved the guy away from his friend. The guy was part of the sting. Out of spite for the shove, and potentially frustration for no minor alcohol sales, they arrested Zimmerman and his pal. 
One media outlet did report truthfully. ONLY ONE. 
In 2005, Zimmerman was charged with resisting arrest with violence. State alcohol agents said Zimmerman pushed them while they were arresting a friend of his during an underage drinking operation at a bar. Zimmerman avoided a conviction by going into a pretrial program that is offered to people with no prior arrests.
When you consider Zimmerman's past with Treyvon's, it's pretty clear that Treyvon was having more issues at the time of his death. Treyvon was using marijuana, possibly selling marijuana, stealing, may have "swung on a bus driver," and was suspended from school 3 times (the last of which we know was during the time of the shooting). It appears as though the bus driver incident may have been what got him suspended for 10 days. Whatever the case, 10 days is a very long time to be suspended so whatever he did, it wasn't good. We know that this young boy was tattooed, had a gold grill, and used the handle NO_LIMIT_NIGGA on Twitter. These might not be all that alarming on their own or even together but what is alarming was that he did all these things and was 17 years old. These behaviors and actions together paint a picture of someone who is emotionally disturbed. There is no indication that his parents were seeking any counselling for him either.

4) NBC edited out part of the 911 call in order to give the impression that Zimmerman was a racist. This is probably the most egregious of the others because the call was manipulated in such a way to give the idea that Zimmerman called the police solely on the idea that he saw someone walking around that was black and nothing else. We now know this to be a bold face lie. Of course we can't blame everyone for this but putting this stuff out there is just an example of how the liberal media lies in order to provoke a reaction.

It would be really nice for liberals to really think about this and start understanding what conservatives understand -- that the liberal media is filled with lies and their goal is provoke hatred. Sadly, some people will never "get it" and will remain in their stage of arrested development.

5) Voice analysts. There were two "experts" who decided that Zimmerman was not the one screaming for help. There are several things wrong with this conclusion.

a. There is a witness who says it was Zimmerman screaming; Zimmerman claims he was screaming; Zimmerman's father says that is the voice of his son; Treyvon had no other injuries so there would be no reason for him to be screaming in agony.

b. The experts are actually no experts, There was no peer review. In fact, Owen has no credentials other than from a school he owns! He developed his own software, that he is selling for $5000 per licence. His work is of his own.

Tom Owen also lists things like this:

Instructor “New York Institute for Forensic Audio” 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,
1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,2006, 2007

As prestigious as the “New York Institute for Forensic Audio” sounds, there is no such brick and mortar institute. It is actually a “division” of Owen Investigations, LLC. Tom Owen is basically claiming he was an instructor at his own unaccredited university.

I’m sure we’ll hear more about this in the upcoming weeks, since both of these “experts” have sparked a lot of controversy with their statements and placed their reputations on the line.

c. There was no scientific report given. Considering I am trained in the area of science, I can tell you that no report= no science. The "experts" merely took a sample of Zimmerman's normal speaking voice (a recording), and compared this to the scream on the 911 (also a recording). There are no raw samples of either Zimmerman screaming or his speaking voice. There was no standard to compare with. Since the information that is transmitted through a telephone is condensed, a recording of this condensed information would further distort the sample. In order for this to be even considered, several steps must be taken.

First, you would need a raw sample of Zimmerman's voice, and a scream. Next, you would need a control standard. This would be best done by recreating the recordings as close to the actual account. This standard must prove positive that the software worked.

If I were to do this experiment, I would call the people who called 911 and ask what type of phone they used, as well as an approximate distance that they were from the altercation/shooting. I would ask if their windows were opened or closed? What other sounds were around them at the time of the call? I would probe for as much information as I could in order to obtain a sample that is under the same conditions as when the original call took place. Next, I would take two people and have one holding a similar phone at different distances from the other person, who will scream, and try to recreate the area around the original caller. Different distances are used in order to determine how sensitive the software actually is. One sample will need to be near the actual distance. So, if they were inside with the windows open, I would recreate that. Then the other person would scream. Then, I would have those two switch positions and do the same. This way I have two voices. Then I would take recordings of both speaking voices, recreating the sample used of Zimmerman's. Next, I would test the software by doing a standard run. This would mean, I would attempt to show that I could prove that the scream matched the speaking voice-- Does the software work? By demonstrating this and doing so under similar conditions, I would be able to prove that the software was able to overcome all of the obstacles that were found during the scenario.

Standards are always done in any science experiment in order to show that the equipment is running correctly and in order to demonstrate its validity. I have never seen any experiment done without using a standard.

None of this was done. No standards applied. Also no information was included that indicated what was done to calibrate this equipment. All equipment used to measure anything from mass to volume is calibrated. This means that the equipment is zeroed to a certain level. Now, I'm slightly familiar with sound equipment but I am not familiar with this type of software or how it measures. However, I will give you an example of what I mean concerning calibration (just in case you have no idea). Let us say I needed to weigh something like a fine powder. This would require me to put the powder in a small vile and I would use a scale to obtain its weight. Before I do anything I must calibrate the scale by weighing the vile alone. If it were to weigh 3.1 g, this would be my "zero point." I would then weight the vile and fine powder, let us say that weighed 6.3g. Since my "zero point" is 3.1,  the weight of the fine powder is 3.2 g.

You must supply a report that demonstrates every step taken. Also, since we are dealing with sound, distance is EVERYTHING. None of those factors were included. What levels did they use? Did they adjust the sounds in anyway in order to clear noise? None of these questions were answered, nor even attempted to have been answered.


Dr. James Wayman, a San Jose State University expert in the field of speech science, told The Daily Caller that he questions the grounds on which Owen based his analysis.

Wayman also said he would be willing to testify against the admissibility of Owen’s findings on the grounds that they don’t meet the criteria required for evidence in federal courts.

“There is no history of, or data on, the comparison of a questioned scream to a known speech sample,” Wayman said.

The problem, he said, is that the two voice samples were recorded in difficult acoustic conditions over different cell phones.

“Even if we were to have Mr. Zimmerman recreate the scream under identical conditions with the same cell phone,” Wayman explained, “it would be difficult to attribute the scream to him without a sample of a similar scream from Mr. Martin under the same conditions. This is clearly not possible.”

This ladies and gents is what we call REAL science, not psuedo-scientists positioning themselves as "experts" in order to gain a name for themselves so they can sell their second-rate software. So, why didn't the media check these people out? Is it because they are lazy or is it because they are desperate to tear a man down?

If this case is so solid, please explain to me why any of these things would have to be manipulated. Facts should stand on their own.

Check out Zimmerman: Anatomy Of A Deficient Probable Cause Affidavit


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