
Obama Likes Occupy Wall Street Protesters But Declines Meeting With Some

President Obama greets people outside the Reid’s House Restaurant in Reidsville, N.C., on Oct. 18, 2011. Obama is on a three-day bus tour promoting the American Jobs Act. (Associated Press)

With all his talk of support for the protesters, you would think he would jump at the opportunity to meet with some of them.
A group of “Occupy” activists in Greensboro, N.C., asked for a meeting with the president, who stayed overnight Monday in a local hotel. But Mr. Obama didn’t bite.

Click title of this post for full story.

In a nutshell, he may have dissed the protesters because they really are not terribly organized. They really do not have a message, other than they hate our government and they want us to be a bunch of dirty commies.

Obama has recently tried saying this movement is similar to the Tea Party but, forgot to mention that everything we have seen from OWS stems from the socialist/communist parties. These are not people who want to preserve the Constitution, these are people who want radical change, overthrowing our entire system. How the president of the United States can even suggest these two movements are similar or that he can somehow sympathize with these animals is quite an insult, in my opinion.

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