
More Intellectual Thoughts From Obama

Here he goes again folks. Obama is now insisting that Republicans want to have a dirty environment.
"The Republicans plan, Obama says, boils down to this: 'Dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance.'"
Click title of this post for source.

So this is the depth of his understanding? If someone doesn't want the government to have control of every little damn thing in the world, they MUST want horrible things to happen? What kind of logic is this? This is the most absurd false dichotomy and limited thinking I have ever heard from a president. This is flat out embarrassing. I do not understand how any intelligent democrat could possibly argue for this president. What a silly, childish statement this truly is.

Obama just cannot seem to help himself. Everyday it seems to get worse with the hyperbole and ridiculous rhetoric that simply does not make any sense whatsoever. Would it be too much to ask him to think for a moment? It is fine to disagree with Republicans, but to make these types of childish accusations is just pitiful.


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