“I think we will stand and be arrested,” said Nadeem Mazen, who called himself a part of Occupy Boston, speaking in front of the movement’s media tent.The ACLU is getting themselves involved by passing out information to protesters on how to deal with the police.
Click title of this post for full article.
It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. I'll be sure to look for updates.
Boston police did arrest about a 100 people who refused to leave. One of these hippie morons punched an officer in the face but, according to the recent report, no one was injured.
If you click the title of this post, you can view for yourself the update article.
Really it was just about keeping the protesters off of the newly renovated area. Why they didn't just move is silly to me.
Nadeem Mazen - leader of OccupyBoston was on NECN in January 08, 2009 defending Hamas or at least fairly anti Israel and now he is interested in WallStreet - strange
The interesting part is that Kobi Skolnick - a leader of OccupyWallStreet - is also a Palestine activist.
Wow. Very interesting and surprisingly not shocking.
Thank you for the information!
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