A marcher speaks with a police officer as they cross a street alongside morning commuters as the marchers set out from the Occupy Boston encampment in Dewey Square in front of the Federal Reserve building, in Boston, Monday, Oct. 3, 2011. The group is part of a nationwide grassroots movement in support of the ongoing Wall Street protests in New York. (AP Photo/Josh Reynolds)
Gee, where have we heard this before? The media, and especially the "media shows" that call themselves comedy but it really is where people get their news, are always quick to say that it is the Tea Party who lacks diversity but, this really couldn't be further from the truth. Now we see, once again (and I say this because for the past few weeks, I have been driving this point home), we see the liberals projecting. It is actually the left-wing, loony fringe protesting that is filled with all the angry, white men.
This slide show, shows a bunch of the protesters. Take a look because, there were about as many minorities there as their were at the Tea Party pics I've seen. Also, note the large signs and the bullhorns. The side-shows all incorporate many different props that do not come cheap. These people are well organized and well funded. There is nothing grassroots or normal about these demonstrations. Oh, and I just love the very first pic of some dirty, hippy burning a 20 dollar bill? Couldn't he have given that to charity or someone that could have used that 20 dollars? I could use 20 dollars. Donate it to me! Please.
A 40-photo Washington Post slideshow showing hundreds of angry protesters in New York and other cities includes no more than 15 clearly identifiable minority protesters, and just six African-Americans. The rest of the protesters shown are white, and most are male.
In 26 photos from San Francisco and Chicago gatherings posted on OccupyTogether.org, only one person from a minority group is clearly visible, and it’s unclear whether he is a protester or a bystander.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/10/04/99-what-occupy-wall-street-organizers-look-for-minorities/#ixzz1aR9gleQK
“It’s as pale out there at Camp Alinsky as MSNBC’s prime-time lineup or the New York Times editorial board. Not counting the cameos by Jesse Jackson and Cornel West, that is.”You can click the title of this post for the article.
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