
What's the Deal With Solyndra?

Washington Post

In a nutshell, Solyndra was a company that made some thin solar-cells that made up solar panels, and failed because it just could not compete in the free market with standard solar panels. The Obama administration is responsible for providing capital funds for this company and according to emails that have been recently released, the administration was considering forking even more tax-payer dollars into this company, despite warnings from the Solyndra auditors that they were failing -- miserably.

Sounds pretty bad, right? I think the big scandal here is the pure hypocrisy that the left has demonstrated. Isn't this type of "back rubbing" exactly what the demonrats democrats have constantly been screeching about when they bring up Republicans? Yet, this...this somehow is being totally swept under the rug. Shouldn't they be mad? I mean really, really, really mad? Guess not. How interesting.

So, now you know ANOTHER way to shut up a democrat.

Here's the other scandal:

The money that was intended (so we were told), to help create jobs to stimulate the economy, was given to a business that was poorly structured and clearly lacked longevity. If the private sector is not funding something, that should be clue number one to government officials that the business probably sucks. Our money was just wasted by the government in some risky scheme, yet these are the same folks that shout from the mountains if you suggest that people run their own retirement funds?

So, let me get this straight liberals, if the government takes your money and puts it into investing in companies doomed to fail, that's okay. If the government suggests that the individual have more control over the money they earned, that's wrong.

Again, these are the same people who have difficulty in understanding why we believe they are insane with mental disorders.

Click title of this post for article and here's another great one here.


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