AP – Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, listens during a hearing …
At one point, an exchange between Reps. Tom Marino and Al Green grew loud as they talked over each other. Green, a Texas Democrat who is black, said the terrorism hearing should have included discussion of the Ku Klux Klan. Marino, a Pennsylvania Republican who is white, said the subject of the day was terrorism, prompting the chairman to rap the gavel repeatedly as the two argued over whether the KKK was a terrorist organization.Ummm...when was the last time there was a terrorist act committed by the f@cking KKK?!
"We have to know our enemy, and it is radical Islam in my judgment," said Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas.Yes. Thank you. Some words of wisdom.
Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the first Muslim elected to Congress, wept as he discussed Mohammed Salman Hamdani, a Pakistani-American paramedic who died responding to the World Trade Center attack.
"This committee's approach to this particular subject, I believe, is contrary to the best of American values and threatens our security, or could potentially," Ellison said.Well, anything is better than doing NOTHING or, talking about threats that don't exist!
Melvin Bledsoe, whose son, Carlos, is charged with killing an Army private at a recruiting station in Little Rock, Ark., testified about his son's conversion to Islam and isolation from his family. Bledsoe said he didn't fully understand what was happening as his son became increasingly distant, stopped coming home for holidays and changed his name. He said the United State is not being aggressive enough about rooting radical elements from the Islamic community.
"We're talking about stepping on their toes, and they're talking about stamping us out," Bledsoe said. "Why don't people take their blinders off?"
Again I say, "AMEN!" We aren't going to have anything to fight for if we allow them to take over.
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Why are they still talking about the KKK in 2011. I am no fan of the KKK, yes I think they are a horrible institution that has done bad stuff. But it is the 21st Century they haven't done anything serious in years! They don't matter!
I agree with Peter King, we need to know who are enemy is and it is Radical Islam! Islam is the terrorist group! Rep. King is the man!
- Mike Mazzeo, The Free World Blog
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