
Obama Playing Clinton?

Charles Krauthammer

During the 8 years Clinton occupied the presidency, we repeatedly witnessed him ignore terrorism, or try his best to downplay its threat to this country.

Is this the model that Obama is following? What is it about liberals/democrats that makes them want to literally dumb themselves down by ignoring terrorism? Why is is so difficult for them to recognize something that is so obvious?

On Wednesday, two U.S. soldiers were shot  at the Frankfurt airport in Germany. The suspect, 21-year-old Kosovar Arif Uka, was detained and German authorities have suggested the shooting was motivated by Islamic extremism.

However, President Barack Obama has been reluctant to denounce the shootings as terrorist act.
Charles Krauthammer criticizes Obama for not calling this terrorism.
“And the fact, when the president came out yesterday and spoke about this, he talked about it as if it was like it was a bus accident, it was a tragedy,” he continued. “It is incomprehensible why he cannot even say out loud this could have been a jihadist attack, part of the war on terror. This was attack on military abroad, an attack on our country, an act of war by a terrorist enemy and if a president can’t speak to that, what does it say against moderate Muslims around the world against jihad and here a president that won’t speak the truth about it? It is demoralizing.”

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