
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend?

"Freelance jihadists" are said to have joined Libyan rebels.

Okay, first off, what is a "freelance jihadist"? Really? LOL! Excuse me, the title just seems so odd. I've heard of mercenaries before but, never "freelance jihadist."

According to the article in the Washington Times, al-Qaeda has many people moving in on Libya and they are fighting with the rebels against Gadhfi (oh, look another spelling).

The rebels are also said to be hiding their true beliefs in order to maintain Western support.
Last week, Libyan rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi told the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore that he had recruited 25 Islamic fighters in Dernaa and gave his view that al Qaeda members were “good Muslims.”

Like Mr. Benotman, Mr. al-Hasidi is a former member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) that in the 1990s was affiliated with al Qaeda but moved away from Osama bin Laden’s organization a decade later.

Mr. Benotman said he knew Mr. al-Hasidi and had seen the interview.

“What I do care about is not this commander’s opinions, but his actions,” Mr. Benotman said. “If he thinks al Qaeda members are good Muslims, it’s his opinion. But we should say out loud, ‘We do not allow for al Qaeda tactics, al Qaeda agenda and al Qaeda strategy in Libya.’ These are not welcome.”
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