
The Two Heathers

Follow the journey of the two nasty Heathers. Although both chose the same destiny for their babies, we'll see that the Heathers ended up themselves with very different outcomes. Let's start at the beginning.....

Heather "A" finds out she's pregnant... Heather "B" finds out she's pregnant...
Both Heathers got pregnant on January 1st...
both babies continued to grow normally for the first 21 weeks ...
at 24 weeks, Heather "A's" baby continues to grow... yet Heather "B" enters premature labor...
Heather "A" continues her pregnancy... and although initially needing hospital care, Heather "B's" baby survives.
At 26 weeks, Heather "A" continues her pregnancy... Heather "B's" baby stays healthy and thrives...
at 26 weeks, Heather "A" continues her pregnancy... while Heather "B's" baby stays healthy and thrives.
at 26 weeks, Heather "A" continues her pregnancy... Heather "B" decides to kill her two month old baby...
at 30 weeks, Heather "A's" pregnancy  continues... While Heather "B" decides to kill her six-week old baby.
Heather "A's'" partial birth abortion procedure... Heather "B" nervously awaits trial....
at 31 weeks, Heather "A" decides to abort her baby by a (legal) "partial birth abortion" while Heather "B" awaits trial for murdering her baby.
Heather "A" receives an award from pro-abortionists... Heather "B" begins prison time for killing her baby...
At 36 weeks, Heather "A" is given an award from a pro-abortion group, and is asked to speak about how she "exercised her choice." ...while Heather "B" begins serving a lifetime prison sentence.
Both Heathers decided to kill their babies, yet the outcomes were very different.  Heather "B" killed her child at 30 weeks old, and ends up in prison for life.  Heather "A" kills her baby a week later and is lauded for her decision by pro-abortion groups.  Are we (as a society) missing something here?

Click title of this post or symbol below, for an interesting site I found about abortion. It has a lot of interesting information about being pro-life.


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