The future predictions of the economy are looking more bleak than ever. It is now being reported that billionaires are dumping their stocks.
If Obama Knew...
If Obama knew that the attacks were going to happen because our government was warned 48 hours ahead of time and he did NOTHING to increase security...that coupled with the terrorists finding an undisclosed location of the "safe house"...this is TREASON! Is it not? Obviously he put some other interest ahead of the American people. He should be locked up, tried, and then put to sleep.
Middle East,
Posted by
Obama -- Attacks Were the Fault of a Film - More Idiots From the Left
If only Obama spent his time worrying about the country as much has he spends on vacation and partying with celebrities, maybe he would have a chance to at winning come November.
Obama took the time to tell the United Nations Assembly that the recent attacks on our Embassy and consulate was a reaction to the film that negatively portrayed the prophet Muhammad.
Obama took the time to tell the United Nations Assembly that the recent attacks on our Embassy and consulate was a reaction to the film that negatively portrayed the prophet Muhammad.
al Qaeda,
dumb liberals,
Pimp with a limp,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,
terror attack,
United Nations,
US Embassy,
Posted by
The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The "American Idiot" Tree
Front man Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day has entered rehab. Why? Well if you haven't seen this by now, have a look:
Warning: The content in this video has explicit language. NSFW.
Warning: The content in this video has explicit language. NSFW.
Billie Joe Armstrong,
Fiona Apple,
freaks out,
Green Day,
iHeart Radio Festival,
Justin Bieber,
Rusty Fleming,
Posted by
Another Lie From Obama
So it seems Obama is at it again, stretching the truth to fit his perception, rather than dealing in facts.
Let me guess, the left is going to say he didn't lie because he put the word "perhaps" in there.
As I’ve noted before, Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from Tunisia -- perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago. And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display, courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress -- the Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that's a reminder, along with the generations of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam -- like so many faiths -- is part of our national story.No.
Let me guess, the left is going to say he didn't lie because he put the word "perhaps" in there.
Posted by
Hollywood Voting For Romney?
Apparently Jimmy Kimmel or the writers of the show had not anticipated the Emmy Awards' audience to react favorably toward the question, "How many of you are voting for Romney?"
There have always been conservatives in Hollywood; the only real difference now is that they finally are starting to feel confident about expressing themselves. It's difficult to express your true feelings in front of people who have painted themselves through their actions, being some of the most intolerant, hateful minded people. When it comes to work, sometimes it's easier just to avoid a topic altogether in order to be in a more calm environment. Perhaps this is sign that the hard left's demonetization of the right has shown itself to be futile?
I will admit that Downton Abbey is an amazing show– there is so much meticulous attention to detail. It’s not the kind of show I typically watch, but it really gives you a sense of what it must have been like to grow up in Mitt Romney’s house.
Kimmel then asked the crowd: “Are any of you voting for Mitt Romney?”
After an unexpectedly loud cheer, Jimmy Kimmel continued: “Alright there’s 40 Republicans, and the rest [are] godless, liberal homosexuals.”Click here to read more.
There have always been conservatives in Hollywood; the only real difference now is that they finally are starting to feel confident about expressing themselves. It's difficult to express your true feelings in front of people who have painted themselves through their actions, being some of the most intolerant, hateful minded people. When it comes to work, sometimes it's easier just to avoid a topic altogether in order to be in a more calm environment. Perhaps this is sign that the hard left's demonetization of the right has shown itself to be futile?
Emmy Awards,
Jimmy Kimmel,
Mitt Romney,
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Glenn Beck - What The Media is Refusing to Tell You About Romney's Statement
“Yeah, it’s interesting…the former head of Goldman Sachs, John Whitehead, was also the former head of the New York Federal Reserve. And I met with him, and he said as soon as the Fed stops buying all the debt that we’re issuing—which they’ve been doing, the Fed’s buying like three-quarters of the debt that America issues. He said, once that’s over, he said we’re going to have a failed Treasury auction, interest rates are going to have to go up. We’re living in this borrowed fantasy world, where the government keeps on borrowing money. You know, we borrow this extra trillion a year, we wonder who’s loaning us the trillion? The Chinese aren’t loaning us anymore. The Russians aren’t loaning it to us anymore. So who’s giving us the trillion? And the answer is we’re just making it up. The Federal Reserve is just taking it and saying, “Here, we’re giving it.’ It’s just made up money, and this does not augur well for our economic future."
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Almost Four Years of Obama and We Still Don't Know Who He Really Is
Four years ago those of us who identify with the Right were constantly questioning exactly who the hell Obama was anyway. For many of us, all we knew was that he was serving his first term in office as a Senator. His books which were autobiographies began to gain exposure and we were told that he was once a
Mark Tapscott,
special report,
The Obama You Didn't Know,
Washington Examiner,
Who is Obama?
Posted by
Obama Reaches New Lows
This is about as low as a president can get.
Umm...WTF??!? Who the hell does this guy think he is?
This is NOT your America Obama! I can't wait till YOU get your pink slip come November. It's about time you felt what the rest of this country has felt while you've held office.
Umm...WTF??!? Who the hell does this guy think he is?
This is NOT your America Obama! I can't wait till YOU get your pink slip come November. It's about time you felt what the rest of this country has felt while you've held office.
Media Ignores Sebelius Violation
AP Photo
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated the Hatch Act, where certain government officials are forbidden to take part in politics.
The ethics office said Sebelius violated the law on Feb. 25 while delivering a speech to Human Rights Campaign while serving in her official capacity as cabinet secretary. In her speech, she called for Obama’s re-election, and the election of the Democratic candidate for governor in North Carolina.
The Hatch Act prohibits certain civil servants in the federal government from engaging in political activity on the job.Click here for more.
I believe this is also the same woman who cannot seem to pay her taxes. Why the hell is she not being punished in some way, or fired? Why is the media, once again willing to look the other way and ignore this issue because the person is a democrat?
"I Actually Believe In Redistribution" ~ Obama 1998
Apparently this is newly found audio from 1998, where Obama spoke at Loyola University for a conference. Drudge had it linked to his page, front and center.
Barack Hussein Obama,
Drudge Report,
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Obama Administration -- Now Blaming the Jews
Netanyahu, the special forces warrior, and Obama, the Chicago community organizer, in their early 20′s.
Credits NewswithViews
When you have spent four years blaming Bush, eventually the mantra wears thin and people start questioning you so, the next best thing to do is blame the Jews. The Obama administration has proven itself to be predictable once again.
ObamaCare Propaganda -- Brought to You By Your Tax Dollars
In the latest of stories that will bring your brain to the near point of exploding, it seems as though tax payers are now paying for ObamaCare-propaganda to flood our TV's.
Now There Is NO Free Speech? Where Is Hollywood?
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who is one the film makers of the anti-Islamic movie “Innocence of Muslims,” that supposedly started the current riots and protests spreading across the Middle East is being investigated by the Feds.
The Middle East -- Is Our Government Negotiating With Terrorists?
Riots and protests are continuing in Egypt and places where the radical Muslim population is present. The latest news reveals that the US was actually warned 48 hours in advance about the attacks that took place in Libya and Egypt but failed to take any action.
Obama administration,
terrorist attack,
time traveler caught on film
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Luka Magnotta - Some Updates I Missed
Jun Lin - Mail Online
Having spent the last month and a half barely being able to stay online, I have missed some things and wanted to document them here.
head found,
Jun Lin,
Luka Magnotta,
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Wasserman-Schultz the Big Liar
It's a few days old but, if you didn't get a chance to catch it before, this telling interview is a must-see. For many of us, there is absolutely nothing shocking here. It only reaffirms what we already know is true. For others, perhaps an awaking shall occur?
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
Don Lemon,
Posted by
Yesterday was my birthday. In 2001, the day was forever tainted. It's hard for me to recall everything that I was feeling at the time the towers were hit. I was merely in shock, in denial, almost in a haze. It felt like I was watching a movie. I didn't want to accept what was happening and when I finally did, I couldn't stop crying. Just the vision of people running and actually jumping from those buildings to avoid being burned alive made me paralyzed with fear and sadness. Those images are forever engraved inside my head.
Sept 11,
twin towers
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What Do Democrats Agree On?
From this video, we can conclude that the democrats most certainly agree on something.
Seriously? The worst part is, most of these people probably consider themselves intelligent. What on earth has happened to these people that they became so stupid? I'm not even sure where to begin with my thoughts. I'm truly flabbergasted after watching this video.
no profits
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No G-d For Democrats?
Democratic party heads rammed through the revised platform, which includes updated pro-Israel language and the mention of God, against the clear wishes of those voting at the convention in Charlotte.Click here for source.
By the sound of this clip, it appears that the majority of the party was simply not interested with the idea of acknowledging G-d or Jerusalem. The democrat party gives the impression that they truly feel their ideas are far more advanced and more wise than those ideas set forth by previous leaders and generations. It must be nice to have such ignorant confidence.
How did these ideas get removed in the first place? When did this happen? It looks like it took place during the Obama administration.
This is the paragraph that was in the 2008 platform:
“We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-givenpotential.”
Now the words “God-given” have been removed. The paragraph has been restructured to say this:
“We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”Source.
So what exactly is going on within the democrat party that they cannot agree on these very simple concepts? This entire episode is certainly not going to give party members confidence that their elected officials are representing them. Certainly disagreements occur within parties but the issue concerning G-d could create even larger divisions within the party.
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