Apparently this is newly found audio from 1998, where Obama spoke at Loyola University for a conference. Drudge had it linked to his page, front and center.
At the beginning of the clip he admits that federal programs have been rightly criticized but then continues to argue for them because he believes in government redistributing resources.
In a nutshell, that is the exact problem that so many conservatives have with liberal ideals -- they refuse to see the inherent problems within their logic. Rather than investigating why redistribution doesn't work the way they intend, or question what it is they are actually trying to accomplish, they just plunge through and repeat the same mistakes over again because, they "feel" a certain way. It's all about "feelings" for them, not just any feelings, THEIR feelings. They never seem to be terribly bothered about damaging another man's spiritual growth or hope, which is usually the cost at which people pay to get their freebies from Obama and his socialist buddies. No, nothing is free. There is always a cost and it doesn't have to come in the form of currency. In most cases it costs freedom.
I'm all for helping people. It would be nice if more people went to charities or knew which charities are offering help. Sometimes people do not know where to go for help so they turn to the government. Certainly in more urban areas, we find people much more responsive and supportive of this type of assistance. The very purpose of a city is to be connected and this comes with being more social however, many of these ideas and ideals simply do not work for everyone everywhere. Other forms of assistance can work much better and offer more options, encouraging a person to eventually become independent rather than increasingly dependent upon government resources.
Unfortunately Obama and the democrats have exposed their true selves. They are not interested in middle ground, compromise, or discussion. They have turned into judgmental, sanctimoniousness, mental-midgets.
So what can we expect from the liberals concerning this statement from Obama? Well, first it is from '98 so it's been so long ago, we can't possibly think he still means this or that it even matters. At the same time they claim he no longer believes this, they will defend him for believing it -- this is what is known as, "covering the ass." Literally. This old, tired, lame tactic is what they do for any issue. First they will tell you it doesn't matter and then they will defend what they just told you doesn't matter.
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