Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who is one the film makers of the anti-Islamic movie “Innocence of Muslims,” that supposedly started the current riots and protests spreading across the Middle East is being investigated by the Feds.
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was taken in for questioning near his Southern California home early Saturday, officials said.At the very beginning of this article, it also says this:
55-year-old was interviewed but not arrested or detained, according to authorities. Nakoula has previously been convicted of financial crimes
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (center) is escorted out of his home by Los Angeles County Sheriff's officers in Cerritos, California on Saturday.
What exactly would the government have us believe? It doesn't look like he knew to go in voluntarily for "questioning." Why would the government "question" him in the first place? Are we really expected to believe he wasn't detained? Why is it the media, once again goes out of their way to protect the Obama regime?
It sure seems obvious to me and anyone else with adequate synapses firing that if Bush were still in office, the media would be calling this an arrest.
It sure seems obvious to me and anyone else with adequate synapses firing that if Bush were still in office, the media would be calling this an arrest.
Wait a minute. Why does that picture say the name, "Obama" on it? Surely they cannot be upset with Obama! Didn't frat boy reject Jay Carney tell us in no uncertain terms that these protests have nothing to do with the current administration?
Jay Carney (file, AP)
“This is a fairly volatile situation, and it is in response not to United States policy, obviously not to the administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video, a film, that we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting — that in no way justifies any violent reaction to it.”
Watch for yourself:
The great Jay has spoken, so it MUST be true!
Even the press asked why the government would not take action to beef up security during the anniversary of 9/11. It has also been reported that our government did know about the attacks and protests at least 48 hours prior to their occurrence.
(Photo: AFP/Getty Images)
The protests have nothing to do with America and definitely not the current administration. Check. One of the film makers was not detained or arrested. Check.
Palestinian Hamas supporters burn a U.S. flag during a protest in Gaza City, Friday, Sept. 14, 2012 as part of widespread anger across the Muslim world about a film ridiculing Islam's Prophet Muhammad. (Credit: AP)
Additionally, anti-American protesters in Morocco Wednesday reportedly chanted “Death to Obama” outside the U.S. consulate in Casablanca.Anyone who reads my blog in the slightest knows I am near hostile towards fabricated conspiracies. I'm going to go out on a limb and declare that something isn't passing the smell test here. What is going on?
For source, click here.
Meanwhile, the director of the film was unmasked as Alan Roberts, a 65-year-old porn director. Roberts directed “The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood,” according to Gawker.Source article.
Reports state that Nakoula has been in trouble with the law and has been linked to several different aliases. It also appears as though he has gone into hiding.
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