The Berlin Police mugshot of Luka Magnotta taken following his arrest.
Luka Rocco Magnotta, who is actually Eric Clinton Newman, has become the latest topic in the world of gruesome. He is accused of killing his lover, a 33 year old student named Lin Jun. In addition to murdering him, it is believed that he posted the horrific ordeal on the internet. The video is dimly lit and shows the stabbing of Jun with an ice pic, dismemberment of his body, necrophilia, and cannibalism.
Browsing the internet and visiting the comments of forums or other news sites can be very enlightening when you are looking for information on a particular person or subject. While looking for more information on Luka Rocco, it seems as though he most certainly left his fingerprint in various places around the internet.
Could the following comment from a health and psychology website, Psych Central, be the real Luka?
Clicking on the link will take you directly to the page where the comment was found on. It is on the bottom of the page.
Thank god I found this forum, i am about to have a nervous breakdown. On the verge!
My mother had me when she was 16, I am a male. I lived the majority of my childhood with my grandmother. My mother was always stubborn and she married my father and had me without telling her family. When I was 5 she unexpectedly came and took me away from my home with my grandmother. From that moment on my life was hell. My mother would lock my younger brother in a bedroom all day and night long, tied to a chair with no light. This went on for years. We were homeschooled because "the outside world was dangerous and dirty". I was frequently stripped and held down and forced to wear diapers at age seven and tied in a high-chair, I believe to humiliate me.
My father was an alcohalic "yes man" who was bipolar and simply a huge pussy. Both my parents are highly intelligent in different ways. My mother is extremely manipulative,calculating and I believe she thrives on getting attention negative or posative. She never finished grade 9 though and never worked a day in her life. Shes smart, but in a sneaky way and she easily fools people into thinking shes a great mother , appearances can be deceiving. My father on the other hand, he is very well educated but when it comes to socializing, he is not able to do it. He never had any friends and cant communicate properly, he is also a pathalogical lier and would throw anyone, including his children under the bus to save himself.
Both are SICK and I hate both of them with a passion, I often wonder WHY the FUKC was I given these parents and this life...why couldnt I have been born to a loving family that would appreciate me?? They conn people and defraud people and yet fool everyone into believing they are wonderful!! My mother wore surgical masks and latex gloves and wouldnt allow us to have anyfriends because they were "dirty" we couldnt go outside OR even go to school. Finally in grade 6 was my first day at public school.
My parents divorced when I was 13 and my mother got into an even worse relationship..imagine finding the lowest excuse for a human being you possibly could ever look for...well my mother found him. A convict,alcohalic,borderline retarded,criminal Charles Manson lookalike double. She brought him into our lives and my brother,sister and I were subjected to horendous abuse at the hands of this mad man while our 'mother' sat by and did absolutely nothing to stop it. The amout of hatred I have for this bitch for ruining my life aswell as my siblings lives I cant begin to tell you. We were cheated out of our LIVES!!!
My sister is now 24, she has three children from three different fathers, she is beautiful and has a degree in psychology but could never get it together because of her past I believe. She is now on welfare and single.
My brother is a complete failure in life and impregnates anyone he comes in contact with, is an alcohalic homeless bum who turned out exactly like his parents but stupider. I am 29 and went through YEARS of struggles, creating surrogate familys whereever I could, moving doezens of times and having psychological health issues from the trauma I endured. I became a male prostitute and was raped on many occasions then i got my life together and made alot of money, bought a condo, nice car ,nice clothing and showed everyone I made it and was NOTHING like my family. I gave BOTH my parents a second chance, I took my mother on lavish vacations, bought her expensive gifts, anything she ever wanted. My father and I have a weird relationsship, he had many nervous breakdowns and he acts like hes retarded but really isnt, he just enjoys pumping himself full of pills so people will feel sorry for him...he is two faced and I had to cut him out of my life. My mother promised she would never betray me again, she said she changed. I was sexually assulted while on vacation last year, I was given a date rape drug, I ended up in a forign citys emergency room and I was placed in the trauma ward against my will because I was groggy and traumatised. After I calmed down the doctors said they would release me but wanted to make sure I would be safe because I was soo upset. Obviously, I was just raped! So they said they would keep me another day for observation, I said no....they agreed to let me go if one of my relatives phoned the hospital and released the hospital from liability. SO I phoned my father and he was too drugged up to even talk so I told him off and hung up. Then I phoned my mother and she said....get ready...... "im not talking to ANY doctors, I understand you were raped and I hope they keep you in the hospital for good" ??????? Where the hell did this attitude come from? After everything I have done for her I thought she would be there for me.. but she screwed me at the one time I was the weakest...this is what she LOVES to do... humiliate people and make them feel inferior to her because she is the devil...she has such a horrible life she needs to drag everyone down with her. So I told her , that if she made me stay in the trauma word alone for another few days I would NEVER speak to her again... she said "i dont care" and I hung up. My boss phoned the hospital and DEMANDED I be released , I was being victimized again because they locked me in a room with no windows and I was alone. So they drew up papers and I was released 2 hours later. I am suing the hospital now. I have not spoken to my mother since and she is trying to turn the rest of my family against me. I really can relate to ALL of you. Some people are so manipulateive its hard to describe them because people will think YOUR the crazy one.....NO NO MOTHER is the crazy one and she is truly messed up beyond words.
I am now married and my new family agrees with me, NEVER NEVER NEVER speak to ANY of my relatives...I hate them all and they use me only for money. I left the country and am never going back. They have no way of contacting me and I wish them all happiness but they are the kinds of people that will DESTROY you if you associate with them. I hope all of you find happiness. Just because we are related to people, doesnt mean we have to associate with them... WHY?? If they are evil and dont have your best interests at heart...then SCREW THEM!!!!!!! Life is too short to waste on fools, even if they are your own family.
vladimir romanov cutelittlenemo1The story above is so over the top insane that it's difficult to believe. Now, I am all aware of horrible mothers and the awful things they can do but, bare with me and keep reading because it is clear that this person, clearly lacking intellect, most certainly thinks they are more clever than anyone. Then again, is it possible he could be playing stupid on purpose in order to throw people off?
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My guess is he is an attention whore and extremely narcissistic. First he starts off the post by talking about his mother. He was raised by his grandmother for most his childhood but, then his mother took him away when he was five? Also he makes mention of his mother not telling her family about his birth but, in the next sentence he says his grandmother was raising him. His father is considered a very intelligent man and he states this in the present tense but later on, he says that his father walks around like he's retarded. He also calls him a drunk. Well how intelligent can the guy be if he's just been a drunk and a drug abuser his whole life?
Of course he wants us to believe his parents are intelligent so we draw the conclusion that he must be intelligent as well. When he makes mention of his step-father being a Charles Manson look-a-like (and knowing what we know now), that declaration seems to be Luka trying to plant seeds. Every article that speaks of this guy makes mention of him being shady, making others feel uncomfortable, and there are many stories about him shamelessly promoting his name over the internet in a desperate attempt to gain notoriety.
If you click on the Encyclopedia Dramatica link (that I mention below the video), you will be able to read many specific examples of his sophomoric internet promotion.
I was unable to find any information on who Luka's relatives are or confirm if he has any siblings. In a few articles I found, some mention an anonymous family member saying that he hurt them and they have not been able to contact him for a long time. Obviously the family wants to remain out of the spotlight.
The following video seems to have been filmed when Luka was very young. The interview is a discussion of him working as a male pr*stitute.
Encyclopedia Dramatica has an interesting article on Luka but, before you visit this link, be sure you understand that there are p****graphic photos on the page. Make sure no children are around, and do not open the page at work.
On July 24, 1982,[1] Magnotta was born Eric Clinton Newman in Toronto, Canada, where his family still lives. In high school, Luka scored 65 on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) standardized I.Q. test, which makes him literally retarded. Luka likes to compare himself to Satan, Hitler, and Stalin. In fact, he is nothing at all like these extremely dangerous psychopaths. He can be better compared with Norman Bates, Michael Myers and Hannibal Lecter since they are all fictional geniuses.I'm not sure if his IQ test score is accurate but it would not surprise me. Luka seems to be of very low intelligence. The only other explanation for such carelessness would be that he wanted to be caught. Perhaps in Luka's mind, he really does believe he is intelligent but, now he will spend the rest of his life, paying for this ridiculous, disgusting, pathetic, narcissistic, selfish, cheap way of claiming fame. Yes, Luka finally got his own Wiki page. Big Whoop! I guess I answered my own question -- yes, people ARE this stupid.
On another page, IPS Community, someone under his name is asking questions about what he should do concerning a man he was dating. He proceeds to carry on and ramble for a great awhile. You have to read it for yourself.
Posted 29 June 2009 - 04:36 AM
Ok, im a guy and im Bi. Im 27. I met my boyfriend who is very closeted eight months ago and he is 21 and very nice and intelligent but immature.
I came out of the closet for him and I changed my entire life. He has made almost no changes for me.
In the beginning he would show me an enormous amout of affection and he would take the bus to see me everyday...he would bring me presents, he would kiss me all the time ( without me asking him) he would want to spend the nite at my house.... now he is becomming more distant and he wont kiss me or hug me unless I beg him...?
He always telles me he is hot or tired.
He hates doing everything I want to do... Movies, Roadtrips,sports,malls,bowing,beaches,casinos,boat tours...etc And when I beg him to go with me he acts miserable the entire time and it ruins my time.
He tells me that he wants to go to a bathhouse...he wants us to have threesomes all the time because hes 'horny and young' so I have to get dragged to a bathouse and have sex with him and these strangers....I am so frustrated because I dont want to do it....but he says "thats what interests me" ok.....he is a sexaholic and a nympho.... I dont call it equal when I want to go to a movie and he doesnt....and he wants to go to a bathhouse and I dont....he makes the can he compare a bathouse and a movie theatre???? WTF
he always gets me to have sex with random people and he invites them over to my house and screws them in the other room....while im in the livingroom...... this is so he can cheat infront of my back instead of behind my back.
He is incapable of maintaining a healthy relationship and he has to have sex constantly....when I was 21 I was able to keep it in my pants.
Now when I hug him in public he gets very very mad.... he wont even sleep at my house because his mom wont let him?
I cant handle all his messed up life....I love him but i am beginning to think we are not compatable???
He doesnt want to do anything except sex with strangers? I want a normal life...
I feel I am a very attractive man but I have a horrible self esteem due to my boyfriend not wanting to show any affectionate feelings towards me. All his friends think I'm gorgeous and other men I work around - but the one who needs to notice me and have affection for me doesn't.
When we are out in public he is always checking out other women and men - even ones not as attractive but always younger. I just can't understand and neither can the friends I have that are guys. They state that they don't understand how he can keep his hands off me. I'm not sure if it is me, or if it is him? Should I dump him for a better guy, someone that does think I'm gorgeous and can't keep their hands of me? I know there aren't a shortage of guys around me. Their are alot of very lonely people who would love my affection.
Luka MagnottaI cannot even make sense of this one. It starts off strange and finally explains the boyfriend was once affectionate, now he's distant. Okay. Fine. This stuff happens. He says his boyfriend doesn't give him any affection anymore and he's always tired or hot. Immediately after he states the boyfriend has a ton of energy dragging him to bathhouses and them both having sex with a bunch of other men. So, this boyfriend is not affectionate, has no energy, but is constantly wanting to have sex and later he calls him a nympho. Luka then explains how gorgeous everyone thinks he is but that he has low self-esteem. One has to ask why anyone would even bother in staying within such an absurd and abusive relationship.
The entire post is completely self-serving just like the one above. This guy is absolutely desperate for any attention he can get. This is why after his tireless internet promotion campaign to make a name for himself, he moved on to killing cats.
There are apparently two videos that are believed to show Magnotta killing cats. One involves two kittens in a bag and them being suffocated with a vacuum. Another shows him feeding a cat to a python. I have not watched these videos nor do I know exactly how to find them. In any case, these videos seem to be the launching pad for his desire to move on to humans.
It is now being speculated that Magnotta may have killed before. He is now under suspicion for the death of a woman but, I am not finding much detailed information. Perhaps some more will be released at a later date.
So far, it is being reported that body parts of the hands and feet have been sent to the Conservative Party and Liberal Party. Two other parts are now being linked to Magnotta and those were sent to schools.
So far, I have not found any interesting theories as to why Luka decided to choose schools to send body parts to, nor does it make much sense for him to send parts to the political parties. There are new reports that state the body parts came with clues and those are unknown to the public at this time.
Many things about Luka on the internet have been removed but with the help of mirror sites, you can still see some websites that featured profiles for Luka and how to get in contact with him for hire.
It appears as one time Luka managed to have a store featuring "Luka merchandise" through Cafe Press. Supposedly this article was written by him but, I am hesitant to agree since this article is so much more legible and clear compared to the other postings that can be found under his name.
Prostitution: Exposing The Truth
Sex workers are people, too.
I hope this article brings more attention to the fact that pr*stitutes and esc*rts are human beings and the lives of prostitutes and escorts are worth as much as everyone else. It makes me sick to hear people say that "esc*rts and pr*stitutes are below everyone and that they deserve what happens to them because they are in this line of work" I say fill rights for everyone!
Whenever discussion ensues about how best to advance the rights and well-being of people working in prostitution, the suggestion most people come up with is to legalize prostitution. Legalization of prostitution means that the government regulates both sex workers and prostitution; and can involve laws that prohibit certain prostitution related activities (such as Sweden, who in 1999 legalized the selling of sexual services but criminalized the buying of sexual services ), which create poor and/or even dangerous working conditions (Ericksson, 2005; Jacobsson, 2006).
Although legalization of prostitution in places like Germany, the Netherlands and Nevada (in the United States) have improved the health and safety of sex workers, they have still not afforded sex workers the same rights as other employees, as sex workers are often subjected to exploitive working conditions, as well as being required to pay special taxes in addition to regular income taxes (Klinger, 2003). It is because no form of legalization has ever benefited the rights of sex workers as workers that sex worker rights activists and organization call for the decriminalization of prostitution, rather than for its legalization.
In Canada prostitution is legal, although many of the activities surrounding pr*stitution are not.Some have theorized that Luka could have an accomplice and is perhaps working behind the scenes. Again, no one knows where the head of Lin is. Perhaps someone else holds the key to this story. Either way, it doesn't seem this story will fade soon. Many believe we will be hearing much more and the plot may thicken.
Lin Jun's head has been found.
Luka has pleaded not guilty, despite the overwhelming evidence against him.
His 'articles' were usually ripped-off, cut&paste combos with his usual self promotion and rant about being a victim, stalked etc. Sometimes he writes poorly with a lot of spelling mistakes and heavy use of capital letters when he wants to emphasizes something. That's why it is easy to spot his fake aliases in comments or questions about himself on the web. I think he has an accomplice, perhaps is the youtube account beavis and butthead who keeps defending magnotta since 31may, someone who probably mailed the body parts and filmed him in some videos, took pictures of him, who knows what else; Anyway, if you look at all Magnotta posts on yahoo questions (he had several nicknames there Aevian, Andrew, John Smith, Luka Magnotta, some female names etc) you will find that he usually posted questions about himself and some current headline at that particular moment. For example, when Michael Jackson died Luka claimed he slept with the singer. When Karla Homolka was on the news he connected his name to her. I bet he wrote those posts in the white supremacy/nazi stormfront forum because of that norwegian mass murderer Anders Brevik who posted there and even wrote a manifesto. Also Galliano offended jews and made the news around the world. This stuff inspires him, he was willing to do anything to become famous, we could seehow desperate he was on the Cover Guy reality show audition, he said he could gain weight, he could get muscles and anything else required to keep on the competition. I believe that all Magnotta wanted was to be seen,to be noticed, what was the most recent shocking headlines in the last month? the miami cannibal episode! Magnotta probably thought that he should make something just as shocking to become famous, he clearly enjoyed all negative attention he got from the kitten killing videos, to him it meant people knew he existed. And he posted about the 'snuff video' few days before it was even made and released, before the murder took place to make people interested and pay attention to his 'masterpiece'. I think that is the way he worked and thinks. IMHO, Magnotta's excuse for the murder was to become famous, I can't think of any other reason, but notoriety, the guy was clearly a vile narcissist. Lin Jun should have googled Magnotta before meeting him. I mean Lin had a cat and was a cat lover, I doubt would hook up with someone known in cyberspace as the cat serial killer. Lin was too naive. Poor guy, RIP
Wow...thank you for your comment. I knew he had made his rounds on the internet but I had no idea just how deep he went. It seems like he just sat around trying desperately to promote his name.
Instead of doing something valuable and offering the world some type of skill or inventing a product, he took a very easy, yet disgusting way to achieve fame.
I feel as though many people in his generation are similar. Hopefully they will not go to such extremes but there does seem to be many who are very interested in having fame without actually having to do something like use their brain or talent. See any program on MTV.
In Luka's case, I believe he was also a sociopath. A sociopath on a mission to get famous is a recipe for disaster.
Lin Jun...yes, may G-d Bless him. I did see about 20 seconds of the "film" before I shut it off in fear and disgust with myself for even thinking about watching, and you could see the young man tied up and on the bed. It seemed to suggest to me that Luka had coaxed him into being tied up for sexual purposes and instead he was met with violence, perversion, and death. Even Luka's final claim to fame seems to reflect his cowardice.
Haha! I just checked out Yahoo! Answers and you are so right. There are a host of questions about Luka. They are some 3 to 5 years ago and you can just hope from one profile of his to the next. He asks questions and then it's so obvious he's answering them as well. He didn't even bother to try and make the accounts look legitimate. All of them are exclusively asking questions about himself! OMG! What a LOSER!
How many accounts could he have opened? I am absolutely stunned that someone would go through such effort to try and make a name for himself doing absolutely nothing.
The funniest part is most of the answers are simply, "who?"
Hey thanks for reading my long comment :) I've been shocked yet somewhat fascinated with how disturbing is Luka's web trail. The yahoo questions profiles made me think of what a big loser he was, everything was so obvious, right?!. I have no idea how many accounts he may have opened but it was fairly easy to spot his aliases, the people who answered 'who?' were real users, lol, english is not my first language but in despite of that I think Luka write in such a particular way that it isn't that difficult to spot he was replying to his own questions. I got a lot of info from an websleuths but the most shocking was to read him promoting the video before the murder on some anti-social psycopath forum, really you are spot on about the sociopath part. I can't think of anything else, he must be really cold and with no empathy whatsoever to think about the murder, plan carefully, promote before, get a victim, invite to his place, serve wine and play with a puppy to break the ice, make the victim comfortable, film and commit the murder, sit down and edit the video, upload afterwards, mail the body parts, flee overseas and be caught googling his own name and reading the news about himself... Phew, I get tired just thinking about it. I can't imagine he did this all alone! I really enjoyed your blog posts because you nailed exactly what I've been thinking, that stuff about the Romeo Lawyer and that supposed Manny client is uncredible, how can Luka be such a pathological liar that he would come up with the bizarre abuse list? 'spit on my versace shirt'? OMG how did he think anyone can take that statement seriously? no abused person come up with that kind of details mainly when you fear for your life! Btw, I couldn't watch any of his videos, I was nauseous just looking at the blurred photo of the animal cruelty with the poor kittens. I have a cat that I rescued from the streets when he was tiny and very malnourished so just the thought of someone being able to hurt an innocent helpless animal makes me pretty much sure that the person will later move onto human beings. I guess there is some fbi research about killers torturing and killing domestic pets before trying out on real people.
I totally agree about todays generation being somewhat obsessed with social network hype and a lot of twitter narcissism, some people take it too far so I really hope we don't see Magnotta copycats. I hate to think that his videos are still available and some crazy people may feel connected somehow and do the same to achieve notoriety. It's really disturbing to think about it... Oh well, sorry for the long reply and forgive me any spelling mistake. Please keep up with the good work, your blog was one of the top listed on google about those crazy emails that Magnotta sent to the lawyer, I'm really glad you posted your views about it, I agree with everything. Greetings from Brazil! :)
Thank you so much for the comment! Much appreciated. Your English is pretty damn good, actually. :)
This case is just bizarre. I think for many of us, a case like this is just so hard to believe. There's no way to even begin to get inside of this man's head. The things he did are just too disgusting to even think about.
I couldn't watch any of the videos either. Who the hell suffocates kitties? Ugh. I get so ill just thinking about that myself. It's almost worse than killing a human because they are totally defenseless. This guy is such a coward that he could not even kill without having a totally helpless victim.
In the murder of Lin Jun, he ties him up and I did see the first 10 seconds (because I was very curious but immediately realized that there was NO way I could), you can tell he must have tied him up promising something sexual. He obviously set up the camera beforehand as well so, he probably told this guy he wanted to make a home movie with him. The poor guy thought he was going to have a kinky night and bed and he ended dead!
I don't think they have the death penalty in Canada but, I bet there are some people who will call for Luka's head.
Tuesday Money! thank you so much for the part about my english, lol, you made my day :) About the video: once something’s been seen, you can’t unsee it! this is why I didn't watch any of his videos. The kitty videos are supposed to be terrifying because the poor animals were alive and you can hear their screams of panic, I've heard that the drowning video is the worst. I read enough details to imagine the contents of all the videos and that's why I chose not to see it. I'm sure it would change me forever if I actually watched the whole thing, I've watched once out of curiosity the suicide by hanging video of that swedish kid with asperger's syndrome that broadcasted in real time in a forum and I was haunted for a whole week! I had nightmares and I felt hopeless, you feel like you want to get inside the camera and just stop him from doing it but you can't do anything but be a powerless witness. What I've read about Lin Jun makes things worse, because he seemed to be a nice guy and IMO he didn't deserve to have such an humiliating evil ending. I think what makes it so difficult to me is the horror of the whole plot, like you said, Lin Jun thought he would have a different sex night, he wasn't expecting to die, I doubt he wanted to die like some websites claimed. I've read that chinese media even imply that he got what he was looking for because he was gay, homossexuality is a big taboo there. But I think this murder could happen to anyone regardless of sexuality, I imagine that someone that moved to a whole diferent country, trying to fit in and looking for friends or a lover, could also meet someone like Magnotta. And we don't know yet how they actually met, if they were real lovers or just hook up in Craiglist. I can imagine that perhaps the victim probably agreed to make a bondage game or video just to please Luka? The police found an uncut version of the video with 5extra minutes and no music, I wonder what it has besides the background noises. Hopeful enough to incriminate Luka without a shadow of doubt, because some people say that in the video you don't see the actual killing, it was edited in several parts! About Canadian laws, they don't have death penalty and the animal cruelty won't be used in the trial, I read somewhere in websleuth site. They also don't publish a lot of details in the press like they do here in Brazil. So we will have to wait and see what will happen! Wishing you a happy weekend, thanks again for the reading :)
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