
Eric Holder In Hot Water

It seems as though the Attorney General Eric Holder is finally being called on the carpet. Watch Senator John Cornyn tell Holder to resign.

"You’ve violated the public trust in my view by failing to perform the duties of your office. So, Mr. Attorney General it is with more sorrow than with regret and anger that I would say you leave me with no alternative but to join those who call on you to resign your office," Cornyn told Holder directly.

When the camera panned over the Eric Holder, his response seemed to be quite lacking and almost defiant. For whatever reason, this man clearly believes he is above the law.

It seems as though Eric Holder has responded with a "no" stating that he will not resign.

WASHINGTON -- Attorney General Eric Holder said on Tuesday he has "no intention" of stepping down, despite a top Senate Republican's demand that he resign for "refusing to perform the duties of your office." 
During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) trashed Holder's record at the Justice Department and specifically took aim at the attorney general's reluctance to hand over documents relating to what is known as the agency's botched Operation Fast and Furious. This sting operation allowed weapons from the United States to pass into the hands of suspected gun smugglers in an effort to trace them to Mexican drug cartels.
 Holder responded that Cornyn's charges were just, well, wrong. 
"Yeah, with all due respect, senator, there is so much that's factually wrong with the premises that you started your statement with," Holder said. "It's almost breathtaking in its inaccuracy, but I will simply leave it at that."

Fast and Furious was a failed operation that ultimately put guns into the hands of warlords across the border.
Fast and Furious was a program of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, overseen by Holder’s DOJ. It sent thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels via straw purchasers — people who legally purchased guns in the United States with the known intention of illegally trafficking them somewhere else. 
At least 300 people in Mexico were killed with Fast and Furious weapons, as was Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. The identities of the Mexican victims are unknown. Allegations have surfaced that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata was also killed with Fast and Furious weapons. Many members of Congress have demanded Holder’s resignation or firing over the scandal, arguing that he either should have known about it, or did know about it and is trying to cover up the evidence. They also point to how nobody has been held accountable for the operation more than a full year after the DOJ provided false information to Congress, and even longer since Terry was murdered.
From another article, (click here).
In Fast and Furious, though, Obama administration officials and Congressional Democrats have admitted they made no attempt to coordinate with Mexican law enforcement. The attempts Bush administration officials made to work with Mexican law enforcement, and the Obama administration’s lack of such efforts, is a detail Holder and his allies have downplayed in their comments on the scandal.
Eric Holder is also accused of refusing to investigate or step in on any of the issues surrounding ACORN. Funds going to ACORN have creative origins under the Obama administration. Countryside, a unit of Bank of America was accused of giving larger interest rates to blacks compared to whites. This statistic is mostly misleading since the average of whites show they pay a higher rate overall and this is in direct contrast when comparing the average rate blacks paid. Bank of America paid the government a settlement of $335 million. This money was to be given to blacks who paid higher rates and anything left over given to groups like ACORN.
Think about the intrinsic Stalinism of this conceit. In the Los Angeles auto dealer case, which also targeted the city’s Nara Bank, in servicing dealings between two “protected” groups, Asians and Hispanics, the bank presumably would have to know which group to compensate (and which not to compensate) when any of its members’ individual deals exceeded the average price of the other group’s. 
If this sounds insane, there’s another way to think about it: Public choice theory holds (in essence) that those in power loot for the benefit of the constituencies that keep them in power. Law and regulation are tools for redistributing resources; the nature of politics is to seize every such opportunity and make it serve a political end. In the Countrywide settlement, Bank of America (without admitting fault) will hand over $335 million so Justice can distribute money to African-Americans and Hispanics (though not whites) who were charged more than the white average, with any surplus funds explicitly reserved for donations to Acorn-like groups that typically align with the Democratic Party.
Last year talk of Obama using ACORN in order to raise funds for his campaign left people wondering if Eric Holder would launch an investigation. He did not. He appears to have no interest in this matter. 

Anita Moncrief who once worked for ACORN, has spoken out against Eric Holder and ACORN. She has made several accusations of ACORN working specifically for democrats by participating in voter fraud.

I have proof that Obama and Project Vote and ACORN were coordinating illegally in 2008 to get Obama elected. Do you not think that they would do the same thing in 2012 to get this man put back in office? 
If there is proof that the Department of Justice ignored an ACORN investigation because they knew it would lead right to the White House, do you not think they would try to avoid Freedom of Information Act requests that show collusion between Project Vote, who has been pushing this project for years, and now the DOJ has all of a sudden started back filing lawsuits across the country under Section 7 violations.
Holder believes that states asking for their citizens to provide ID in order to vote is somehow infringing on the rights of blacks and asking for identification prevents blacks from voting. This is odd since almost anything you do requires an ID of some kind. Whether you are cashing a check or making a purchase with a debit card, there are many places and many times where providing an ID is required. Is Holder suggesting that blacks are incapable of getting an ID? No, this is just another way for democrats to ensure they have votes. By not having to confirm the identity of someone, it's much easier to turn an election with fraudulent votes.
Holder also incorporated into his speech Rep. John Lewis’s absurd claim that election-reform efforts are “a deliberate and systematic attempt to prevent millions” of minority and other voters from going to the polls. This shows how the paranoid fantasies of the Left infect the attorney general and his entire department. Voter-ID laws have been in place in Georgia and Indiana for more than five years, and none of the hysterical claims made by opponents have materialized. As NRO has documented, turnout of minority voters did not decrease in those states — it increased significantly. Voters certainly disagree with Holder: Polls show overwhelming support for voter-ID laws across racial, ethnic, and party lines.
More on Holder:
At the very least, Holder is a man not suited for the office he occupies. At most, Holder has shown himself to be completely incompetent and corrupt. Between ignoring prominent cases, shrugging off Congressional subpoenas, and mismanaging a sting operation to the point where it resulted in the deaths of Americans, it has become abundantly clear that Eric Holder should indeed resign. 
More reasons for Eric Holder to step down or be impeached:
In response to whistleblowers uncovering this operation, critics have argued that Eric Holder has: 
  • Stonewalled on congressional subpoenas regarding the operation
  • Covered up criminally negligent manslaughter
  • Lied under oath regarding knowledge of the operation
  • Sealed court documents relating to Brian Terry’s murder
  • Resisted congressional investigation for over a year.
  • Persecuted the whistleblowers in the Justice Department
  • In addition, Eric Holder has been criticized for:
  • Taking legal action against four U.S. States that attempted to control a tide of illegal immigration that the federal government has not had the will or the ability to stem.
  • Hiring attorneys for the DOJ entirely based on partisan policies.
  • Refusing to prosecute voter intimidation cases against the New Black Panther Party.

We can also add to the list of him doing nothing to investigate the New Black Panther Party for actually putting a bounty on the head of George Zimmerman. How can an organization actually offer money to kill someone and this is not considered a crime or worthy of an investigation? That is a terrorist action.

For a list of more articles that talk about Eric Holder, click here.


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