The following video is the longest I've seen so far and no, it's not one of his D-list porns. I have not become brave enough to go digging for one of those films, nor do I have the desire to do so. This video is apparently an audition interview for some plastic surgery show, "Plastic Makes Perfect," in Canada.
I'm merely posting these videos to make comments about them and analyze them for fun. I'm not a professional, merely someone who has had some experience dealing with a few sociopaths. This analysis is simply for entertainment purposes and not intended to be considered anything more. Watch the videos and be sure to comment, leaving your opinions.
The video is a simple interview where Luka is asked to talk about all of the procedures he has received and which ones he plans on getting. He makes sure that the interviewer knows that he is very interested in his looks and not much of anything else. Clearly we see him selling himself. He discusses his porn and how he feels it is important for him to maintain a good look. He talks a lot about his hair and even though we cannot see the scars or evidence of plugs, the interviewer does indicate that she can see them on the back of his head.
Perhaps he did get some hair plugs but he also says he has had surgery done on his eyes and received rhino-plastic surgery as well. Something about all this work he claims to have gotten does not seem to make any sense. He doesn't appear to have changed much, other than getting older. Also, where did he get the money for all this work? Being a male prostitute might fetch some good money but enough for all this cosmetic surgery? According to the information I found, his porn name is not Jenna Jameson but rather Luka Magnotta, a guy who maybe did a few low rent, porn films over several years. Maybe I'm just not familiar with the going rate of porn actors but, I can see men doing porn for free, while women would be the ones getting pay - real pay.
As with other videos I have seen of Luka on YouTube, he seems to purposely lower his voice and it sounds very forced and awkward. He is very slim, almost no definition at all. The "Cover Guy" audition below fully exposes Luka for the narcissist we know him to be. So if you had any doubts, watch the video for yourself.
Desperate to sell himself and his fake image, Luka comes off as insecure and I almost pity him for being such an attention whore. He has a knack for making me feel uncomfortable. Is it just me? There's something about him that makes me feel embarrassed for him.
"A lot of people tell me that I'm really devastatingly good looking."
All I can think of when I watch this, "is this guy for real?" He is very much a sociopath. For those of you that know me personally, you know I have experience with these types of people and I have most certainly become more skilled (well, a little bit), at identifying these types of people.
Notice how he is extremely quick at feeling the interviewers out and immediately coming up with responses he thinks they will like. He overcompensates in his explanations and he clearly believes he is being clever and in many cases, he may have won people over with this style of deception. However, I would gather that many people who are tuned into others can spot this manipulative behavior immediately, as I have.
He claims he was overweight at one time and woke up at 4 AM so that he could run? Does he really think that people will believe this? First of all, he claims to be a model but for someone that claims to have dedicated so much time to improving their body, why didn't he also add weight lifting? Then he turns around and says he can gain weight quickly. He says anything he can in order to win them over. Now, naturally many people will try to highlight their strengths and minimize any weaknesses when they attempt to land a job. Luka takes this strategy to a new level. Just looking at him you can tell he doesn't even believe what he is saying. In fact, he is simply making things up as he goes along. If he went to Italy and they told him to be slim, why isn't he auditioning for jobs in Italy?
When I read many of the forum posts or blog posts he has made in various places over the internet, I also notice his penchant for playing the victim. He speaks a lot about some guy who is his boyfriend and complains about how horrible this guy is. The stories are so absurd that they reach a point of inconceivability. They all tell stories of woe and express confusion on how he should handle the situation. I have covered much of this topic already under this post here. Bottom line, like most sociopaths, Luka is using this abusive boyfriend story to gain sympathy from a willing audience. Sociopaths love to manipulate others into feeling sorry for them so that they can further engage them into asking for favors or even trying to pry information out of people. I believe in Luka's case, he just wanted to draw attention any way he could over the internet and that's why he chose to use his name.
People looking for answers concerning advice on what to do about an abusive relationship post anonymously. Those that do not like Luka are most likely looking for attention. As I have stated previously, victims of abuse are often scared and embarrassed. Luka shows absolutely no signs of embarrassment and why should he? He's lying about this boyfriend as well. Using the internet affords him the ability to embellish in telling a story that can serve his need of sympathy and drama, while avoiding the burden of actually having to produce any evidence of such claims. The internet is a perfect place for the sociopath to find willing victims. They crave attention any way they can receive it and the easier the method, the better. Instead of drawing attention through work or enhancing a talent, the sociopath is very comfortable gaining attention by stirring up emotions and playing head-games with others. Dramatic expressions fueled with anger are most desirable.
I also notice that many sociopaths seem to be under the impression that they are very clever. I'm sure there are many clever sociopaths in this world but the few I have known are far from clever. Luka appears to be very similar in this respect. They are mostly viewed as being "crazy" or odd. Bits of emotion or small acts of concern give people around them the impression that they really care so their propensity to stir up trouble or become easily angered is readily excused by others. Many people will either ignore the outbursts by holding on to the idea that the person, "means well" and "is really just acting a little crazy."
There is a certain cycle that occurs in the sociopath's life. They will meet someone, usually under the circumstances of telling that person some situation where they are the victim of an evil person in their lives, usually someone who has power over them and described as tyrannical. This could be a parent or a current lover, maybe even another relative they live with. They will weave their way into your life. There are many ways this can occur but their style is to move fast. They are easily bored so if too much time is required to enter into your life, they will just move on to someone else. They will tell many stories and lie right off the top of their heads. They may even tell you elaborate stories with many details in order to sound more convincing. They might do you favors but make no mistake about it, these favors are done for selfish reasons; they want something from you in return. If you are not returning favors, you will be immediately stabbed behind your back as the sociopath will blab everywhere about how ungrateful you are. Still, they will go back to you and continue to complain about you.
Some sociopaths like to drink and/or use drugs. These substances are very dangerous for them as they fuel the sociopath's anger. Some might turn violent while others will act dramatically by crying or throwing things. Eventually the sociopath will get bored. Many times, people will catch them lying. If you confront a sociopath with their lies, expect them to dance around your questions like a politician speaking to the press. They will look for any excuse they can come up with and they have an uncanny ability to find something or someone where they can place the "real" blame upon. See, the sociopath actually wants you to believe they have no control over themselves. They are merely acting and reacting to what others do to them, therefore they are not at fault.
In some cases, you may hear the sociopath say, "I know it's my fault" and that's immediately followed by a, "but..." Their goal is to always move past anything or anyone that stands in their way. By confronting them, they will realize you are no longer interested in playing the game so they will simply exit from your life. If they can, they will work to convince you that you are the paranoid one, the crazy one, the one always looking for problems, etc. Simply put, they will project themselves onto you.
It is important to identify sociopaths that might be in your life, as they can become dangerous. This was obviously the case with Luka. He progressively became worse as the years passed on and because he liked to torture small animals, this was a further clue that he would eventually harm or kill humans. Always be extremely concerned when someone is interested in killing small pets. This type of behavior will continue to grow as will the victims of their crimes.
Narcissism and feelings of grand importance are very common among sociopaths. No matter what their station in life is, they enjoy spending money and buying anything that might offer them an air of status among their peers. They will even exaggerate their lives in order to appear to others as someone in control when they are actually out of control.
Do not encourage or enable their behavior. You must cut these people off for your safety and sanity. Sociopaths may find treatment by taking meds or getting therapy but it is very difficult for the sociopath to admit they have any problems. The truth is, they actually like how they are. They see the world as selfish, suffering, dangerous, limited, and many are bitter as well. The fact that they can detach themselves from situations and emotions allows them to artificially feel superior to others. Many sociopaths are able to function and do not necessarily become criminals but then there are many that do smaller things like steal small items or engage in other petty crimes. There really is no indication how far a sociopath will go to satisfy their immediate needs. If the sociopath has enough self interest in staying out of jail, they will behave accordingly. If they simply do not care, then their behaviors will know no bounds.
If you are a victim of a sociopath's destruction, be sure to seek out help in the form of therapy. This is very important because these types of people have a special talent of destroying a person's will and self-esteem. They know exactly how to break a person down. They can get people to believe almost anything, including that a person is crazy. Make sure you understand that their behavior is not your problem and also know that there was probably not much you could have done to avoid the situation. The only you can do is empower yourself and learn as much as you can so that you can avoid these people in the future.
Let's hope Luka will stay in prison for the rest of his life. He certainly does not need to accumulate anymore victims, animals or humans.
The latest report on Luka is his request to be tried by a judge and jury.
Notice how he is extremely quick at feeling the interviewers out and immediately coming up with responses he thinks they will like. He overcompensates in his explanations and he clearly believes he is being clever and in many cases, he may have won people over with this style of deception. However, I would gather that many people who are tuned into others can spot this manipulative behavior immediately, as I have.
He claims he was overweight at one time and woke up at 4 AM so that he could run? Does he really think that people will believe this? First of all, he claims to be a model but for someone that claims to have dedicated so much time to improving their body, why didn't he also add weight lifting? Then he turns around and says he can gain weight quickly. He says anything he can in order to win them over. Now, naturally many people will try to highlight their strengths and minimize any weaknesses when they attempt to land a job. Luka takes this strategy to a new level. Just looking at him you can tell he doesn't even believe what he is saying. In fact, he is simply making things up as he goes along. If he went to Italy and they told him to be slim, why isn't he auditioning for jobs in Italy?
When I read many of the forum posts or blog posts he has made in various places over the internet, I also notice his penchant for playing the victim. He speaks a lot about some guy who is his boyfriend and complains about how horrible this guy is. The stories are so absurd that they reach a point of inconceivability. They all tell stories of woe and express confusion on how he should handle the situation. I have covered much of this topic already under this post here. Bottom line, like most sociopaths, Luka is using this abusive boyfriend story to gain sympathy from a willing audience. Sociopaths love to manipulate others into feeling sorry for them so that they can further engage them into asking for favors or even trying to pry information out of people. I believe in Luka's case, he just wanted to draw attention any way he could over the internet and that's why he chose to use his name.
People looking for answers concerning advice on what to do about an abusive relationship post anonymously. Those that do not like Luka are most likely looking for attention. As I have stated previously, victims of abuse are often scared and embarrassed. Luka shows absolutely no signs of embarrassment and why should he? He's lying about this boyfriend as well. Using the internet affords him the ability to embellish in telling a story that can serve his need of sympathy and drama, while avoiding the burden of actually having to produce any evidence of such claims. The internet is a perfect place for the sociopath to find willing victims. They crave attention any way they can receive it and the easier the method, the better. Instead of drawing attention through work or enhancing a talent, the sociopath is very comfortable gaining attention by stirring up emotions and playing head-games with others. Dramatic expressions fueled with anger are most desirable.
I also notice that many sociopaths seem to be under the impression that they are very clever. I'm sure there are many clever sociopaths in this world but the few I have known are far from clever. Luka appears to be very similar in this respect. They are mostly viewed as being "crazy" or odd. Bits of emotion or small acts of concern give people around them the impression that they really care so their propensity to stir up trouble or become easily angered is readily excused by others. Many people will either ignore the outbursts by holding on to the idea that the person, "means well" and "is really just acting a little crazy."
There is a certain cycle that occurs in the sociopath's life. They will meet someone, usually under the circumstances of telling that person some situation where they are the victim of an evil person in their lives, usually someone who has power over them and described as tyrannical. This could be a parent or a current lover, maybe even another relative they live with. They will weave their way into your life. There are many ways this can occur but their style is to move fast. They are easily bored so if too much time is required to enter into your life, they will just move on to someone else. They will tell many stories and lie right off the top of their heads. They may even tell you elaborate stories with many details in order to sound more convincing. They might do you favors but make no mistake about it, these favors are done for selfish reasons; they want something from you in return. If you are not returning favors, you will be immediately stabbed behind your back as the sociopath will blab everywhere about how ungrateful you are. Still, they will go back to you and continue to complain about you.
Some sociopaths like to drink and/or use drugs. These substances are very dangerous for them as they fuel the sociopath's anger. Some might turn violent while others will act dramatically by crying or throwing things. Eventually the sociopath will get bored. Many times, people will catch them lying. If you confront a sociopath with their lies, expect them to dance around your questions like a politician speaking to the press. They will look for any excuse they can come up with and they have an uncanny ability to find something or someone where they can place the "real" blame upon. See, the sociopath actually wants you to believe they have no control over themselves. They are merely acting and reacting to what others do to them, therefore they are not at fault.
In some cases, you may hear the sociopath say, "I know it's my fault" and that's immediately followed by a, "but..." Their goal is to always move past anything or anyone that stands in their way. By confronting them, they will realize you are no longer interested in playing the game so they will simply exit from your life. If they can, they will work to convince you that you are the paranoid one, the crazy one, the one always looking for problems, etc. Simply put, they will project themselves onto you.
It is important to identify sociopaths that might be in your life, as they can become dangerous. This was obviously the case with Luka. He progressively became worse as the years passed on and because he liked to torture small animals, this was a further clue that he would eventually harm or kill humans. Always be extremely concerned when someone is interested in killing small pets. This type of behavior will continue to grow as will the victims of their crimes.
Narcissism and feelings of grand importance are very common among sociopaths. No matter what their station in life is, they enjoy spending money and buying anything that might offer them an air of status among their peers. They will even exaggerate their lives in order to appear to others as someone in control when they are actually out of control.
Do not encourage or enable their behavior. You must cut these people off for your safety and sanity. Sociopaths may find treatment by taking meds or getting therapy but it is very difficult for the sociopath to admit they have any problems. The truth is, they actually like how they are. They see the world as selfish, suffering, dangerous, limited, and many are bitter as well. The fact that they can detach themselves from situations and emotions allows them to artificially feel superior to others. Many sociopaths are able to function and do not necessarily become criminals but then there are many that do smaller things like steal small items or engage in other petty crimes. There really is no indication how far a sociopath will go to satisfy their immediate needs. If the sociopath has enough self interest in staying out of jail, they will behave accordingly. If they simply do not care, then their behaviors will know no bounds.
If you are a victim of a sociopath's destruction, be sure to seek out help in the form of therapy. This is very important because these types of people have a special talent of destroying a person's will and self-esteem. They know exactly how to break a person down. They can get people to believe almost anything, including that a person is crazy. Make sure you understand that their behavior is not your problem and also know that there was probably not much you could have done to avoid the situation. The only you can do is empower yourself and learn as much as you can so that you can avoid these people in the future.
Let's hope Luka will stay in prison for the rest of his life. He certainly does not need to accumulate anymore victims, animals or humans.
The latest report on Luka is his request to be tried by a judge and jury.
Luka Rocco Magnotta, accused of killing and dismembering Chinese student Jun Lin, has asked a Quebec court for a trial by judge and jury, but didn't request a psychiatric assessment, as some expected he would.Click here for article.
Magnotta appeared in person at the Montreal courthouse on Thursday, with only seven journalists allowed inside the room for his brief hearing.
The accused has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and four other charges in Lin's grisly killing. The 33-year-old permanent Canadian resident died May 24 or 25.More to come...
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