An interesting Zimmerman segment on Kelly's Court discusses new information given by Lead Detective Chris Serino who stated that the entire shooting could have been avoided if Zimmerman stayed in his car.
First of all, I could give a rat's behind what Serino has said. The man is crooked and if he wanted to bust Zimmerman he should have kept his nose clean and not leaked to the press.
Coulda, woulda, shouda...really? This is considered a valid argument? How could anyone decide for certain if a person is safe staying in their vehicle? That is a very bold statement to make. How could Serino make such a claim? The point is not what Zimmerman did or didn't do beforehand. Everyone wishes they would have done something different after something bad happens. Why would Zimmerman think he was putting himself in any danger if Trayvon took off? He even states that he just figured that Trayvon left because he ran off. Who the hell would have thought he would actually have the nerve to come back and confront Zimmerman?
Sorry but, this type of speculation is absurd and downright insulting to the general intelligence of the American people. I'm sure Zimmerman wishes that he would have done something different but the point is, what he did is not against the law and he had every right to get out of his vehicle in order to give the dispatcher a better location and direction of Trayvon's path. Do these people forget that he has a right to be in his own damn neighborhood? Are we all supposed to be scared of one another all the time? Is this what Trayvon supporters consider acceptable? I'm sorry but, I am not going to fear anyone. We all should have reasonable expectations that people will not be violent with us for no reason.
Zimmerman had no way of knowing or expecting that he would be attacked. To suggest that he should have expected to be attacked by Trayvon is actually another way of saying that Serino knows that Trayvon was a violent young man but, how was Zimmerman to know this? If Serino feels so strongly about this, then he knows this young man had a propensity towards being aggressive, which actually favors Zimmerman's description of what happened.
Sorry Serino, but your words are hallow like your brain.
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