The typical intolerance of the left is exemplified by the latest Sharpton-Limbaugh brouhaha. Sharpton, once again, fails to understand what Limbaugh is trying to convey-- that just because you criticize someone doesn't make you a racist. Instead, he insists that Limbaugh is a racist and, now is going to go forth and ask the FCC to regulate Rush.
I realize Sharpton is pretty far left so, I have to ask, are there any democrats that REALLY support this? Have all liberals lost their common sense, to the point where they don't understand what conservatives are even trying to say? No one doesn't like Obama because he's half black! We don't like him because, he's an incompetent, buffoon liberal.
Honestly, I don't think Sharpton speaks for too many people. I think most people, regardless of what side they are on, still favor free speech.
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